chapter 5

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// again, i'm so sorry this is so short! also warning, there is a birth scene.

Kyros fell to his knees when they got out of the tunnel. The sun burnt their eyes, but soothed their skin. The breeze cooled the sweat of their bodies. A subtle musty smell in the air, but it was soothing. "Thank the Gods! There is sun! There is snow! There are trees! Actual trees!" He said in triumph. Kyros had softened in the sun. He had a burst of happiness. True happiness. Something he hadn't felt that whole journey. The only time he ever felt true happiness down below was when he was with his wife, for she was all he had left. Kyros felt at peace knowing a piece of his life was back for good, and this was the environment he was going to raise his child in.

Eurydice was also elated. She let the cold swarm over her for once, for she hadn't had the feeling of goosebumps in years. She basked in the sun, letting both heat and cold take over her in perfect harmony. The air felt so...fresh. I was clean and intoxicating. She spun around in circles enjoying the feeling she had once lost. She was closer to her poet than she had been for a year. Eurydice wanted to scream, laugh, jump, and cry for joy. Her happiness was overwhelming.

Katia on the other hand, was not as happy. She had cramps in her pelvic area. Her stomach swelled and her lower back was in pain. She seethed at the pain, but she didn't want to put her woes while the two people who meant the most to her were having a happy moment. The baby was pushing on something, but it wasn't her stomach.

And then it happened. Her water broke.

She let out a scream of pain. Eurydice stopped her spinning and Kyros got off his knees. Eurydice noticed the amniotic fluid running down Katia's leg.

"We need to get her close to a river, quickly. " Kyros said in concern. He picked his wife up, as she yelped in pain. Eurydice ran with him and kept her eyes out for water. There was a small stream close by as Kyros sat his wife down.

"I'm no midwife, but I helped deliver my sister. I can attempt." Eurydice said in concern. She would have to help, for she was all they had.

Eurydice opened her backpack and took out the old, oversized lingerie dress she wore so long ago. She ripped it in half and then ripped another piece off and used it as a washcloth. She used the other part as a lining for the baby to come into the world on. Katia whimpered in pain. Kyros held his wife's hand. The man was paralyzed for he didn't know what to do.

Katia started to heat up. Her stomach kept swelling. She was dilating normally and her contractions were paced. One hour went by. Then, Two, three, four, and five. The sixth hour went by, and by the seventh hour, she was ready to push.

Breath in, push.

Breath in, push.

Breath in, push.

The poor baby came out crying. You couldn't see her facial features completely from all the gunk on her figure. Eurydice wiped off the lining from the baby's face.

"Does anyone have a pair of scissors and some disinfectant?" Eurydice said in a loud voice.

"I have the scissors" Kyros said as he reached into his bag.

" I packed Antiseptic." Katia said in a breathy, relieved voice.

Eurydice tore another piece of the dress to use as gauze. She disinfected the scissors. She instructed Kyros to clamp part of the umbilical cord once it stopped throbbing. Eurydice cut the cord and tied the child up witha cute little belly button. She cleaned up the child more and wrapped the babe in the other half of the ripped dress.

She handed the baby to Katia and said, "Meet your daughter."

"She's beautiful" said Katia.

"She looks like you." Kyros said.

"But with your coloring." Katia laughed.

"Are you going to name her?" Eurydice laughed, accidentally breaking the sweet moment.

The couple stared at each other.

"Alina, meaning the bright one." Kyros suggested.

"Welcome to the world, Alina" said Katia.


hey kids, I'm back with another chapter! 

now that the housekeeping is done, it's going to get more....interesting.

also i want to see if you guys caught the symbolism behind the dress tearing. i think of it as eurydice tearing away her past to start a new chapter and to bring new light into her life...


sleep well, stay hydrated, love yourself

mia <3

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