Chapter 6.5 pt. 2

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//pt. 2 electric boogaloo

The smell of body oder and ambrosia consumed the bar. The loud chatter of people's banter rang from each corner. Some people were dancing, some were drinking, some were both. The pop of a cork, or the squeal of a lady interrupted the banter at times. The once lifeless bar was now resurrected with the cheer of men and their wives. The warm lighting set the tone of happiness, now that the lady was back. Yes, the lady was back and they survived the cold-hearted grief of Demeter again. The taste of the sweet nectar of the gods touched the taste buds of every person there. Glee was in the air, for the patrons knew that this moment would become a vivid memory that will visit from the to time. A euphoric haze fell over the scene with each drop of Assyrtiko

Sitting at the bar was a poet and a young girl in her mid-twenties. She was a beautiful woman. Her figure had the curves of a marble statue. Her hair was shaved short on the sides, and her hair grew naturally from the top. The girls face contoured in a way that looked only from a painting. Her dark skin was as soft as a babies blanket. The woman's laugh rang out, but softly. A honey toned voice reached the ears of the burnt out poet.

"Tell me more!" The woman's voice said in a soft yet excited tone.

"Adrienne, there's not much more I can tell you." Said the once lively poet. He was in rough shape, but he was managing better than how he was managing know what.

At first he was an emotional wreck. His eyes were always filled with tears and his thoughts said that this is all just a bad dream. He'll wake up in the morning and she'll be right next to him, cuddled up by his side. Her head will be in the crevice of his neck and her hand on his chest. Her leg will be intertwined with his, per usual. All he had to do was wake up. But, he never woke up. And he wanted to fall asleep in this nightmare and never wake up. Orpheus wouldn't let anyone in. Not even Hermes.

Then it got harder as the days went by. Whenever someone came to check on him, he would burst out in fits of rage. He became lonelier. Then he lost all emotion. He became a shell of a man. He didn't eat, didn't sleep. Orpheus would just lay in bed with the weight of the world on his shoulders. It would sometimes shift to his chest and he was weighed down by gravity.

Then came the last stage of grief.... acceptance. He had accepted that she wasn't coming home and that she was truly gone. He had accepted that he needed to take care of himself for her and live the life she would want him to live. He would pick up his lyre and sing out his praises again. He would socialize at the bar again.

That's how he met Adrienne. She was also a musician. Sung about her life growing up in Chamaizi, and took inspiration from her father's journals about his travelling experiences, like how she was named after a woman in France that would end up being his first wife. They got along from the get-go. The pair would compare work and she would read his old poems. She helped, partially, fill a gap in his life.

"Orpheus, are you still with me?" Adrienne said, bringing him back to the present.

"Oh yeah" he said hazily.

"You have to tell me more about her. You have a muse, and you can't even tell me her name, of who she is!"

"She was my muse...."

"What do you mean by was?"

" She's dead"

"oh.....Oh.....OH.... I am so sorry I brought it up. I didn't know. I pr-"

"It's alright. You don't have to apologise. I'm alright." Orpheus said as his face got hot from embarrassment.

Adrienne raised a hand to his face to cup his cheek.

"Are you sure? You're face is getting warm."

The swing of a door was heard but when Orpheus turned his head, all he saw was a small, dark haired figure in jeans and a white tank top head out the door.

Orpheus may have not have seen the figure, but someone else did. A lady who has seen her more than Orpheus himself. The lady was clad in green and had flowers in her hair.

Persephone's eyes widened at the sight of Eurydice. She saw the songbird's expression change from excited to absolutely heartbroken as the girl silently left. Her heart ached at the sight, so she ditched and ran.

"Songbird, wait." The woman said to the girl.

"It's alright. It hurts, but it will be alright." The girl said as she turned around to face the lady. Her grey eyes contrasted to the red rims around the pupil. Tears dripped down Eurydice's cheek like a leaking faucet.

The lady sighed and put out her arms. Eurydice ran into them and sobbed.

"Let it all out songbird, let it all out" she said in a motherly tone. Persephone stroked the girls hair as she whispered lulling words into Eurydice's hair.

"As long as he's happy, I'm happy. That's all I want him to be. Happy. I've caused him so much pain, he deserves someone better. Like her." Eurydice said between hiccups. Her stomach pooled with dread and her breath was cruelly stolen.

"Don't you say that about yourself. Do you know who I see when I see you? I see a strong young woman. A survivor. A leader. You don't need a guy to hold you together, because you can do it yourself. Sister, you started a revolution, what else can you do? You don't need a man to be happy. You don't need a man to take care of you. You need to do what is best for you. Got it?" Persephone said as she held the girl. Sympathy fell over Persephone like a tidal wave. She assumed the other girl was the poet's new muse since they were all over eachother, and all Seph wanted to do was scream at them, telling them of Eurydice's survival so that they could get their fairytale ending. But that thought was interrupted by...

"Alright, I will. But don't tell him I'm here or alive. " The songbird said. "He might do something he regrets."

The Lady sighed in irration. "Fine, as long as you don't tell a soul that this interaction happened. If Hades found out...all hell would break loose."


Then the girl disappeared into the shadows. Perspehone went back to her wine and partying like nothing happened.

Everything would work out for the better...right?


this is gonna be short cuz I'm tired.

Love yourself, stay hydrated, and sleep!


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