chapter 4

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The trio trudged along the path slowly from exhaustion. It had been at least two to three weeks since they escaped the dreaded, capitalist town. They had hidden from search parties with dog and heard the voice of Hades himself looking for them. But alas, they were nearing the end of their journey from the underground.

The upper world was barely visible, yet you could see the crack of light. As Katia, Kyros, and Eurydice dragged themselves out of the tunnel, Kyros came to a revelation when he saw Eurydice and his wife.

"Why don't you two have pupils?" he said in perturbed voice.

"What do you mean?" Katia asked. The woman clutched her stomach, pain flowing through her. Kyros quickly grabbed her and sat her down.

"Your eyes are grey and they don't have pupils." he stated, a little uneasy.

"Your eyes are also like that..." The woman said with a grunt.

"No they aren't" said Kyros as he sat next to his wife

"Our eyes stop dilating when we go down. Our pupils literally disappear. Also from loss of melanin from lack of sunlight, we develop an albinism-like pigmentation in our eyes. They begin to decolorize. You've probably noticed this before, but then forgot. You become used to your eyes and start hallucinating that you still have the same eye, as a way to cope with being down here. My theory is that when we reach up top, our pupils will come back, but the grey eyes will be permanent. " Eurydice said eloquently, yet slightly sardonic. She didn't know where all that came from. It was like young her had resurfaced for a moment. Her stomach turned as she realized she must have sounded like a maniac.

And that she did. Katia and Kyros looked at her like she was speaking French. Eurydice shifted her weight to the balls of her feet, as she looked down at her boots in shame. She took a sharp breath in and said "I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry for being smart" Kyros said, projecting a stern tone so that Eurydice could get the significance of his statement.

Eurydice looked up at him with confusion. She raised her brow as her eyes widened. Was this not the same man who spoke of revolution up above? Was this not the aggressive, no, passionate speaker who others were too afraid to confront? Why was he being so soft hearted and kind, yet strict and firm?

Eurydice's face softened with Kyros' heart. "Thank you, Kyros."

Kyros smiled as he looked at his wife. "A wise person once told me that once." He said taking her hand and kissing it. The revolutionary was actually.....a softie?

Katia smiled and giggled a small giggle. She felt like a child in love again, but now she was married to her childhood sweetheart and having his child, so that laugh was only now resurfacing. "I still standby those words, for the both of you!" she said pointing her finger switching between the both of them.

Eurydice laughed. The couple reminded her of someone, or something. She just couldn't pin it. Kyros and Eurydice helped Katia up, and they continued on their journey. This was the time that felt the longest. With each step they took, it came closer. You could smell the dampness of the atmosphere, for it was still winter and snowing, but the land was partially preparing for the Lady. With each muscles that ached, they walked another foot. With each bone that cracked, they crawled out closer to the land of the living.

But the best feeling was the pain that stung their eyes when the sunlight hit their eyes for the first time in forever. The feeling of the cold winds chilling their overworked bodies. The feeling of oxygen filling up their lungs instead of dust.

These were the feelings of living.

// hai! itsa new, but short chapter! haha, i had a lot of fun writing this chapter! i have plans for future chapters and i have plans for other stories/mini series'. i might as well reveal those to you.

1. orphydice soulmate au where the signs of a soulmate come back to orpheus after years of  waiting (takes place in the present. immortal!orpheus)

2. orphydice immortal!orpheus au where they see each other again in the present, but eurydice gets so overwhelmed she denies who she it (based on a rp with my bella bear)

3. backstories on the other gods of hadestown, inspired by halcyontraveler on tumblr

like, comment, subscri- wait wrong media platform...

question of the day: how do you think i am going to incorporate orpheus into this? is it good? is it bad? you tell me!

i love you all, go to sleep, stay hydrated

mia <3

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