chapter 7

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Eurydice headed back to camp. Kyros and Katia were baffled when her small figure  back. This is where she was supposed to depart. They had already said their goodbyes and gave their best wishes, why was she back? Maybe she forgot something. It’s not that they were mad she was back, it was more that wasn’t she supposed to get her happily ever after like the children stories said?

“He’s moved on. He found someone better.” She said in a disheartened voice. She fell to her knees, for she felt weak. Her heart was on the verge of withering. But he was happy, that’s all that mattered. She wanted him to move on, right? Eurydice felt like she was going to get an ulcer from all the tension.

Katia walked up and wrapped the girl in her arms, like Persephone had done a while back. “I’m so sorry. It’ll be alright. You’ll find someone better. Maybe he just wasn’t the one.” She said trying to get her to calm down. Her heart ached in sympathy for the songbird. Katia thought that her wings were clipped and she was stuck. Katia shed a tear for the girl.

Kyros put Alina in the makeshift crib and walked over to Eurydice and patted her on the back. He didn't know what to say. Why, how could he be a good father when he can't help the others he loved? He went to say something, more suggest, but Katia beat him too it.

“You can stay with us! We can be your family! I mean, you already are apart of the family, but officially apart of the family. We can start our lives over, move somewhere lovely. Maybe in a little town or near a riverbed!” Katia said in excitement. Her eyes had a certain glint in them, the same glint you see in the eyes of a child. The ones that are full of hope.

Hope. Hope was a funny word to Eurydice. Usually when she hoped, nothing turned out the way she hoped. It was like she was cursed.She hoped that her family could heal after her mother’s death. She hoped that she would be free the first time she tried to walk out of the underworld. She hoped that when she got back on top she’d be with…..well let’s not go there. That would is new and we don’t want to irritate it.

But with Katia and Kyros, hope had worked in her favor. They made it out feeling more alive than ever. They had worked their way to survive this long, why shouldn’t Eurydice not go?

“Yes. Yes! I’ll definitely be part of your fami-“ She said before she was interrupted. The bells of bad fortune had struck again while she heard the growl of dogs. The sound of familiar men hawking their familiar phrases they had heard so long ago. A search party, made up of three upperclassmen workers who wanted nothing to do with revolution. Loyalists, Hades’ goons, whatever you want to call them.

“Well too late for that now. You guys run like hell, if you head north a Persephone is there. I know for the gods sake she’d protect you. I’ll hold them off.” Eurydice said ushering them to get out of there.

“For the gods sake Eurydice, that’s suicide!” Kyros said harshly, yet quietly.

“No! We won’t let you do that, if we go, we go together” Katia cried. She grabbed on to Eurydice’s arm.

“Well beggars can’t be choosers. ⅔ who survived is better than 0/3. I can hold them off.” Eurydice yelped, brushing off Katia. Tears were in both the women’s eyes. They didn’t want to be torn apart, but the fates weren’t kind to Eurydice.

Katia screamed and shouted in opposition, but Kyros obliged. He pulled Katia away from Eurydice and reached for something in his coat.

“If you are going to do this, you’ll need something to hold them off.” He said as he pulled out something coppery and silver. It was a gun, a revolver to be exact. Eurydice’s eyes widened and her heart quickened. Kyros loaded the gun as he said “I carried this without me for this exact reason, but since you want to be the martyr, you can have it. Use it only if you need to. Remember you have limited ammunition, so use it wisely.”

Eurydice looked at him and shook her head. She had never fired a gun before in her life, but at least she could start now by learning to use it in a stressful situation. She hugged Kyros and Katia goodbye. They ran off, and Eurydice waited until they couldn’t be seen. While they were saying their goodbyes, Eurydice snapped off a button from both of their coats with her nails. Then she pulled off one of her own buttons.

The songbird climbed up into a tree to get the high ground. The three loyalists ran over with the one dog barking. One dog……...with three heads, but it was merely a baby. The men were very different from each other. The first one was tall, and muscular. He had a deep voice and a violent temperament. His dark skin was tattered with scars from the past. The second man was recognizable. It was the same man who attacked her during the riot. He was short, a bit pudgy, but he put up one hell of a fight. The third man, was a woman, smart and cunning. She wasn't a worker, but her ambition and loyalty to Hades was unmatched, with her small stature and red hair. The smell of mint came from her, and you could smell it a mile away. Eurydice had nicknamed them Muscles, Shorty, and Minty.  Now was the chance to strike. She threw one button in front of her. one to the side and one to the other side. All three of the dogs heads went in different directions, picking up the smells of the fugitives.

"Awh shit, what's the damn dog doing now" said Shorty.

"They must have split up." said Muscles, his tone growing dark.

"Then we split up, set out for each one. I'll go North." said Minty.

"I'll go west with the dogs." said Muscles.

"I'll go east then…" said shorty.

And I'll go south, Eurydice thought. No blood needed to be spilt. Not today.

But if she needed to…..war started today.


Katia and Kyros found their way to the bar. Katia was still crying and holding her daughter. Heads turned. Conversations were put to a halt as Katia's sobs filled the room.

Perspehone saw the couple and her stomach dropped. She walked up to the duo and said "Where is the girl?"

"The dogs came. She's a martyr." Kyros said as he comforted his wife as she cried on her shoulder.

"Oh gods" Persephone said silently.

Perspehone felt like she was going to throw up. All the hope she had for the girl was down the drain. She fell to her knees and sobbed. It was the first time in summer when the temperature came down.

"Who? If it's okay to ask." Orpheus said going over to Persephone to console her. Adrienne went to and picked up the lady and took her to a stool.

Kyros recognized the boy. The boy who supposedly put the world back into two. But when he saw the boys face, all he could think about was Eurydice's tearstained face. He broke her heart. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be in the woods alone. She wouldn't have come back. The songbird would be safe.  He wanted to scream at him, tell him how much he hurt her. He wanted to hurt him like he hurt her. His hands were balled up in fists and his eyes screamed with rage.  But, he kept his composure.

"No one who concerns you." Kyros said in a gruff voice.

Orpheus was taken aback by the man. He's dealing with grief, you were like this once. Have sympathy. Maybe talk to the wife- wait is that Eurydice's slip that's wrapped around the baby? And that man said something about martyrs and dogs. Something isn't lining up. Or is it?  He thought.

Orpheus' mind wandered in confusion as Eurydice's mind stopped. 


Hehe I'm evil.

I'm sorry if there are grammar errors, I don't usually proofread. I proofread after the book is done...whoops

I know Orpheus did nothing wrong, be I want Papa Kyros to be an angry father figure.

QOTD: What was one little thing that makes you happy? I like the smell of rain.

Stay Hydrated, Sleep well, and Love Yourself,

Mia ❤️❤️

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