chapter 6.5

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// there are two pov's in this segment in the story, so I'm splitting one scenario into two parts. In this version, it's told in the form of Eurydice's journal. The second version is Persephone's point of view.  also this show's the passing of time easier! sorry, I had a stroke of genius after I took a nap because I was tired from my flu shot. enjoy! 


Spring, Day 1, Year 2

I can't believe that I found this old thing in the pocket of my bag. I remember when Orpheus gave this to me along with the locket in place of an engagement ring. Hopeless Romantics in a state of love.

Nothing unusual has happened, yet. Knock on wood. Alina is a picky baby, who only wants to be with her mom, and sometimes her dad. Understandable why she starts crying whenever I hold her. I'm not the comfiest person in the world. 

I had a weird dream last night. It was about dad, and I was in one of those ragged dresses I was almost growing out of, the blue one with the daisies embroidered on them to be exact. It felt so real, I could even smell the whiskey on his breath when he was screaming in my face that I had let my mom down and how I'd never amount to anything in the world. Well, he was right about one thing. 

But then it it weirder, I've had weird dreams about my dad, but it wasn't like those dreams. Suddenly, I wasn't in the blue dress, I was in my black dress and vest . My dad's figure began to morph until it was Aristaeus. God, that relationship was awful. He screeched in that squeaky voice of how I always had eyes for other boys and how I paid him no mind. But then he wrapped his hands around my neck and tightened his grip like the coil of a snake. I felt a pain that felt lie a snake bite at my ankle. The the face morphed again .

 Orpheus. He dropped me from my neck where Aristaeus had once held me. This is when it started to get freaky. I was now in my worker outfit in the mines of Hadestown. Orpheus looked furious, in a way I've never seen him before. He looked almost feral. He started talking about how I was so needy, and that I left him in the dust. Took him for granted. He grabbed my wrist till it turned purple. 

The area went pitch black. Then I awoke in a forest.

I was in a vintage wedding dress, my mom's to be exact. In my hands where a bouquet of red carnations. I walked down the aisle, alone. Orpheus is at the other side, looking all dressy, yet himself. Then I felt a surging pain in my ankle again. The snake. I collapsed and though I was assumed dead, I watched the other workers bury me. 

Then I woke up. 

I want to track my nightmare, incase they start getting repetitive. 

Spring, Day 2, Year 2

We headed towards the little town that I once loved. It has to only be a day's worth of travel. I can't wait to see the poet again! I hope he is happy to see me. I wonder if he's changed. 

I think Katia is struggling with some sort of baby blues, my ma had it after she had Phoebe. I wonder how Phoebe is. She should be six or seven by now. I wonder how Cinna is. I miss my Cinna Bun, I miss having a shared birthday and someone to talk to who knows you better than yourself. 

Anyways back on the topic of Katia, I hope she's doing okay. She just seems, depressed. She hasn't gotten sleep with the baby, she is lacking interest to talk, and she seems to doze off into another dimension at times. Maybe I'll talk to her about it.

Also, Lina fell asleep on me today and was less fussy!

Hopefully I'll see my poet soon.

Spring, Day 3, Year 2

Saw the poet.

Didn't say hi.

I just kind of ran out without anyone noticing.....

He has a new muse and i don't want to interfere. 

// oooooo shnap, we gots conflict.

that's no bueano.

but don't worry, i'm goint to try not to villainize the other girl because that's no bueno too. just because some girl is talkin to your mans doesn't make her a bad personnnnnnn.

I'm sorry, I'm on NyQuill rn and i'm w o o z y.

Question of the day: who do you think this girl is? also should I continue the diary entries?

Love yourself, stay hydrated, and sleep welllll,

mia <3

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