chapter 8

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//hey y'all! I'm going to be gone for a while, I'm currently in the car to California and I'll be busy at Disney! This chapter is really gruesome and sad, so I'll put the triggers. Also this song from & Juliet (yes, I'm aware it was a Britney Spears song) really describes this chapter.

TW; fighting, bone breaking, getting cut, blood, shooting, dying, suicidal thoughts

Eurydice hung in the trees, revolver in hand. You pull the metal thingy at the back and pull the trigger, right? she thought as her breathing quickened. Her stomach turned. She peeked from a leaf to see Shorty, walking bare and with only his overalls to protect him.

He looked in the direction of the tree she was hiding in. She quickly let go the the leaf over and covered her mouth so her breathing wasn't audible. But the leaf made a rustling sound as she let go. She silently gasped. Shorty's attention went up and he saw a fragment of her that was exposed in the leaves.

"HEY GUYS" he yelled with a wide smirk. He had caught her......HE had caught her. Now he wouldn't just be the good for nothing of the three. Maybe he'd be respected by the two. Respect was all he wanted, and he would get it in any way possible.

Eurydice panicked. Her hands became drenched in sweat, as did her forehead. Her face flushed and her heart quickened. She felt like she was going to pass out, for this was the end of the line, but was it? What to do, what to do? You could shoot him. I'm not a murderer But what if you immobilized him? That could work, yes, that could definitely work. Time to put on your big girl pants. She thought.

As Shorty went to scream for his colleagues again Eurydice jumped down from the tree, landing on his shoulders. She wrapped her legs around his neck and grabbed it by one arm also. She used all of her weight to pull him down as she used the other arm to cushion her head during the fall. An ear-splitting crackle came from her arm. Eurydice let out a yelp of pain. It throbbed like hell. Pain course through her arm as it felt fractured.

Eurydice got up and started running. But then Shorty got up and grabbed her by the waist, cutting off her ability to breath. "Oh no you don't!" Hey yelled at Eurydice. She flailed for a while before she hit him in the nose. A pop in his nose triggered him to let her go as he went to grab for his nose. The smell was awful, for it smelled of sweat and blood.

Then she punched him right in the eye. He groaned in pain, but yet retaliated. He threw an uppercut to Eurydice's jaw, then knocked her in the stomach. She fell back in pain. Her stomach felt like it was going to spew out her dinner, for the taste of blood and sweat together was not a very good taste.

Eurydice wearily got up and threw up her fist. "I could do this for hours." Eurydice panted. "No you won't" Shorty said as he took a dagger out of a sheath hidden in his overalls. Eurydice eyes widened as she missed the first swing to her neck. He swung again, and Eurydice felt a sharp pain to her cheek as she screamed in pain. That was followed by the feeling of liquid flowing down her cheek onto her neck.

"Gods" she muttered under her voice. As she rebounded her eyes widened. The dagger was coming towards her neck again. Eurydice grabbed Shorty's arm, twisted it, and made him dropped the knife.

When Shorty when to grab it, Eurydice took out the revolver and aimed for his thigh. Only she didn't hit his thigh. It hit his lower abdomen. He stood there shocked as he fell back. He saw was Eurydice rushing to his side.

She grabbed for the knife. As she did that he said "Do it! Finish it off!"

Eurydice looked at him confused and with tears in her eyes. "No, I'm going to save you!" She screamed. She said cutting of the wrap around his chest and stripping off most of his overalls. She pressed the wrap on the wound with all her might.

"Let me die! I'll just go back Hadestown!" He said pushing her away.

"Sir, I have to much respect for you to let you die like this. You put up one hell of a fight and I admire your loyalty to Hades." Eurydice blurted out going back to tend to his wound.

Shorty's eyes lit up. Respect, the one thing he wanted all along. It all suddenly clicked for him, those goons would never respect him, but people like her would. He smiled at this revelation.

He grabbed Eurydice's hand and squeezed it tight and said "Thank you for giving me my only wish, I've always wanted respect." He said as he started to close his eyes and loosen his grip.

"No. No! Stay with me! Stay with me!" Eurydice said as she grabbed his hand close to her face.


Eurydice sobbed over the body. He didn't deserve it, and it was her fault. She put his overalls back on. Then she went over to a small flower garden and picked a few flowers. She crossed his arms and placed the flowers in his arms and a few in his hair. She said prayers and sang praises, for it was a funeral. Eurydice kissed the top of his head, took the dagger with her and left.

She ran for a few miles until she stopped as she felt dizzy. Her stomach turned. She was a murderer. A murderer! She was turning into her father. Now she felt bad for lying to Katia and Kyros about her parents. It's just, she didn't want to tell them that she watched her father murder her mother. You're turning into dad, you're turning into dad, you're turning into dad. Her mind repeated over and over.

Eurydice fell to her knees and finally broke.

"GODS! Why am I like this? Why am I like this?! I've always been destructive, but why!? You're turning into dad. You're turning into dad. You're turning into dad. No one can love you! You're unlovable. You're a murderer! I'm disgusting! Why am I like this! There's a reason people hate me! I'm a horrible person! I don't deserve to live! He deserves to live more than me! You're crazy, you're talking to yourself! You should just use the same gun you murdered him with and shoot yourself! That would be best! You have nothing to live for! You should jus-" Eurydice screamed as she was interrupted. Her stomach finally gave out and she threw up. She threw up a lot.

Then she passed out.

Yeah, writing this chapter made me cry in the car. I'm sorry.

QOTD: If you could meet one person, celeb or not, who would you meet.

Stay hydrated, Get good sleep, love yourself,
Mia (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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