another q & a

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so since I'm on a hiatus, I did a q & a on my Instagram. Feel free to ask me anything in the comments.

Q: why are you on hiatus?

A: mental health reasons I do not care to share. let's just say I'm in a two week therapy session and I get discharged on Wednesday, so I'll be back to my dms then.

Q: can you explain Eurydice's backstory? I'm a little confused.

A: of course! I know, it's a little confusing. I'll also explain some motives I was going to use to drive the plot. I'll just take my notes from when I started this story.

TW and Kinda Spoiler Alert (but I say read it anyways so you aren't confused):

So Eurydice was born with three older sisters and a twin brother. eurydice's mom was a nymph who left the family for a more traditional life (nymphs are kinda like hippies). eurydice's dad doesn't really have a backstory yet, except that he owned a flower shop. They seemed like a happy family, until her little sister Phoebe was born. Her mom suffered from depression. Her parents got into lots of fights. Her mom's health started declining, but the dad refused to get her a doctor out of spite. The mother ended up killing herself by stabbing herself, but Eurydice thought the father killed her and falsely convicted him of killing her. The father also blamed himself and admitted that he killed his wife. He went crazy with this notion and started drinking. This caused him to beat his kids and sell the flower shop. He could cope with him "killing his wife", so he made Eurydice act like a carbon copy of her. She wore her clothes, ate like her, talked like her, did the work like her. She dropped out of school to become a full-time house wife. Cineas had to provide for the home and his father's drinking habits. They took Phoebe's beatings. When they were 16, the twins made a pack to run away. Cineas took Phoebe. That's all I can disclose.

In conclusion, there is a reason I'm in therapy.

Q: favorite movies?

A: Spiderman Far From Home, Spiderman Into the Spiderverse, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Avengers: Infinity War, Iron Man 3

I really like Marvel.

Q: favorite way to evade church?

A: the time I drank pancake batter... it's not the best but it was definitely funny. (this is from my friend btw and also I go to an all Latin Mass that lasts for 2-3 hours)

Q: last thing you ate?

A: mango

Q: you still procrastinating?

A: how'd ya know????

Q: do you read webtoon?

A: yes! my favorite webtoon is miss abbott and the doctor. the runner ups are adventures of god and lore olympus! i might start a MAATD fic.

Q: straight?

A: gay (well pan)

Q: do you draw?

A: kinda

Q: favorite god or goddess?

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Q: favorite god or goddess?

A: not zeus

it's artemis

Q: twitter?

A: @/stcrryeyes cuz I put the twit in twitter

Q: is this the last question you are going to answer

A: no

Q: height?

A: 5'3

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