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It was 1:00 in the morning when they heard the knock on the door. Robyn and his brother had been expecting it for the last week. The note hadn't said much. Robyn didn't think much of it, but it was obvious that Ryder didn't share that opinion. The bags under his eyes did not go unnoticed by his younger brother.

Robyn looked at the door, than at Ryder. "Are you going to get that or should I?"

Ryder shook his head and went to open the door.

"I suppose you got my note?" Charles Sanders was a short but broad man. He wore a mid-brimed hat and a way too big leather long coat, as if he expected rain...

"We did." Ryder was acting strange, cold and... distant.

"And who exactly are you?" though Charles wasn't exactly the most friendly either.

"I'm his brother."

"Did he tell anyone else?"

"No. We didn't."

"Oh lay off of it." Robyn allowed himself some frustration, he was tired of people hating eachother for no particular reason, "Just tell us what you came here for and then you can go."

Charles let out a chuckle. "You see that's the kind of spirit that I need."

"For what exactly?"

He plopped down into a chair by a little table in the corner of the kitchen. "Have either of you ever heard the expresion 'If you cut off the head of the snake'..."

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