683 20 15

Songs Mentioned: 

Waste a Moment: Kings of Leon

Me and Michael: MGMT

Don't: Elvis Presley

- Bruce -

"Alright, does this look good?" Tony asked, showing off his expensive, metallic dark red suit.

"Sure," Bruce muttered into his Ben and Jerry's.

"C'mon Bruce. Just because you're not coming doesn't mean you can't be happy for me. Do I look sexy? Would you fuck me?"

"Literally shut up Tony," Bruce covered his own ears. "You look good, okay."

Tony rolled his eyes, picking up the box with Pepper's corsage in it. He played with the plastic tabs.

"You know Rhodey will come back and wonder why you're in my bed."

"We're friends, it's fine. Plus, you'll be back and I'll probably have to go back to my room anyway."

"Well," Tony slid his voice. "I'm not planning on coming back too early. Might get lucky." He shimmied his shoulders.

"Shut up," Bruce got up and pushed Tony out the door. "You're gonna be late."

"I love you, Brucie!" Tony called.

Bruce slammed the door.

He would go back to his own room, but he didn't want to risk running into Thor and his date possibly coming back to Thor's room after the dance, so instead he just sat inside, doing homework that was too easy for him. Bruce put his head in his hands, wondering why Thor said yes to Jane's proposal anyways. He hardly knew her, didn't know what type of person she was, and didn't even consider the fact that Bruce didn't have anyone to go with. Well, maybe he couldn't blame Thor for the last one, but he sure wanted to. Bruce only had two friends. Tony, because he was smart and Thor, because for whatever reason, Thor wanted terribly to be his friend. He did get along with the Avengers, but that wasn't really "friend" status. More like teammate.

Bruce sighed and laid his head on his stack of papers. If he really focused, he could hear the distant pounding of the bass in the gym, where the dance was taking place. He hummed to himself in an attempt to drown it out, but it was useless.

- Natasha -

Natasha had hoped Clint had worn a red tie, since that was the color of the flowers. Red with black ribbon, certainly more her style, but he had asked her to get the flowers, so Clint could suck it.

A few hours before the dance, Natasha and Laura had half of everyone come into their room to get ready. By half of everyone and not the girls, Natasha also had Bucky come over, since he wanted his nails painted again and he didn't like to use his metal arm for anything and he was afraid to mess it up.

Pepper, Natasha, Laura, Bucky, and Thor's date, Jane, ordered a pizza and got ready together. It was mostly them talking about how much they hated certain teachers and putting makeup on.

"Alright," Natasha changed the subject. "So, are you guys all excited for the slow dances?"

"Hell yeah," Laura said. "I might be going with Justin out of sympathy, but slow dances always make you feel like you're in a movie," she swooned, laying on the bottom bunk. "How about you, Bucky?

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