Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven- Spirits of the dead

*Pandora's Pov*

Today was the day of Henry Heywood's funeral, it was meant to be a tragic day for us. All I knew that for me it wasn't, even if Nora did kill Henry she probably had a reason that would be justified. 

I was just finishing getting ready to leave, you know the depressed mourner look. Funerals were never really my thing but I did have a reason for that. My hair was in curls and I had a black lace dress on with no sleeves. 

I heard the beaming voice of Ray Palmer come from my side, "Hey Pandora are you done getting ready?" 

Adding the final touches of my hair spray I reply with "Yeah, Ray I am. How are you holding up?" 

He hung his head low, "I just don't know what to say to him, Nate, Hey sorry the girl I was exchanging love letters with in prison killed your dad." 

Quietly chuckling, I replied. "You'll know what to say when the time is right Ray." He walked out as I stuffed two daggers in my boots, could never be too safe. I smiled knowing that's something that Constantine told me once. 

"Love, come on. The others are about to leave." John came in wearing his normal attire while lighting a cigarette. 

Walking out the door John snakes his arm around my waist, making our way out to the others. 

"Well it's about time." Sara laughs while John gives her the stank eye. 

Using her time courier she opens up a pathway to the Heywood's beautiful house; where the service was being held. Charlie opens the door to the house as we all pack into the house. We were greeted by many sobs coming in different directions. 

I felt bad for his love ones, I truly do only because, they do not know what he was doing behind close doors. I hated any and all abuse rather it be to people or magical creatures. 

"Love I'm gonna go find the whiskey." John says a little too loud causing some to stare as I rolls my eyes and wonder off to find Nate. 

I spot him standing around some other relatives and decided to pull him to the side.

"Hey Nate, I just wanted to give my condolences about your father." 

He gave me a little smile, "Thanks Pandora, that means a lot considering I know you weren't too keen of my father." 

"Some people do the wrong things for the right reasons." I told him hanging my head low and this time it was odd, I felt something strange in the house almost like a presence. I look over to see John talking to Ray and decided to walk over. 

"Am I the only one who seems to feel like this house is sitting on top of dynamite?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"No, love I'm afraid not, there's a presence in this house.  A very strong one at that." He accents thickens as he walks away probably to do what he does best, investigate. 

As I start to walk upstairs, my legs began to give out when I just decide to sit on a step. 

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself as things slightly spin around me. I decided to just shake it off and continue walking up the stairs. There was a covered mirror in the hallway, so I did what John taught me and tried to feel the dark energy. There was so much, it made me sick and then-

"Pandora? Pandora! Help me!" Ace voice screamed throughout the house. 

Running up the steps searching for Ace, his screams got worse and worse. 

Yours Truly[𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆]Where stories live. Discover now