THREE| grafting

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I woke up more than excited the next day, after having an amazing night sleep in the extremely comfortable bed

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I woke up more than excited the next day, after having an amazing night sleep in the extremely comfortable bed. I walked into the changing area and decided on a yellow bikini. Whilst getting changed, I had a really nice chat with Lucie. She was a really nice girl, not to mention the fact she was gorgeous. I filled in my eyebrows and put on some mascara, whilst bantering with Amber about the boys so far. I could tell everyone was uptight about tonight, especially the boys. The atmosphere was extremely different to last night, you could sense it from the other side of Majorca. "Morning girls." I smiled.

"Morning babe." They all ended up saying. I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and take my empty water bottle, of to fill it up. I'm walking down with Amy, since out of all the girls, she's the one I haven't properly spoke to her yet. We were interrupted by Tommy and Curtis. "Morning ladies." Curtis nodded, making eye contact solely with Amy.

"Morning." Tommy stared down at my empty water bottle.

"Want me to fill that up or ya?" He asked, gesturing to my water bottle, "Mine needs filling up too so-"

"Sure, thanks Tommy." I grin, walking past them giggling with Amy.

"So Am, what do you think of Curtis? You gonna try crack on with him today?"

"Oh definitely, he's my type on paper 100 percent." She then smirked at the approaching Tommy, "You and Tommy?"

"See how things go, just getting to know each other ennit."

"Yeah, same with me and Curtis."

Tommy plonks himself next to me, "Here you go."

"Aw, thanks again."

"So what you girls talking about?"

"Oh nothing, just chatting." Amy smiled, taking a sip of her water. Eventually, Anton and Callum came walking over, as did some of the girls. We all ended up chatting. I eventually left to go make a lunch time toastie. Anton comes over to me. "Hey Amelia."


"What you making?"

"It's kinda obvious, a toastie dumbass." I remark playfully, making him laugh.

"I obviously knew that- Uhm- your really pretty."

"Thanks Anton." I thanked, trying to be polite but taking no interest. He awkwardly laughs it off and I hope and pray this toastie machine hurries up. It finishes in a couple minutes and I grab a plate and place the toastie on there, then say my goodbyes to Anton. I could see him as a mate but never anything more. I sat up over by the firepit, taking some time to myself, to digest everything that's happened in the past day. The view is amazing and I was woke from my peaceful state by Tommy. "Hey, you okay?" I swiftly finish up the toastie and reply,

"Yeah, just enjoying some time to myself you know?"

"Mhm, I do that a lot."

"Your just trying hard now." I giggle.

He shrugs and laughs crossing his legs over.  He starts humming to a song and I give him an exasperated look. "Hannah Montana!" I exclaim.

"Best show ever." He admits, "My favourite."

"Oh my gosh, that's the best thing I've heard ever."

"Just the truth."

"Never met a guy to say his fav show was Hannah Montana."

"What you saying." He shoves my shoulder playfully.

"Nothing." I drag on.

We both head back over to where Curtis, Michael, Joe, Sheriff and some of the girls are sitting.

"Nah, nah , nah, Amelia, your the psychologist, what do you think?" Sheriff asked.

"Think about what?"

"What does Anna think of me?"

I shake my head, "I'm not a magician but I can sense that by her body language and tone of voice, she wants to make herself some food and avoid you at all costs." I wink at Tommy, letting him know I was messing Sheriff about.

"What really?"

"I'm kidding ya, I'm kidding ya." I reassure him, making him chuckle a bit, "Honestly? She wants a bit more effort I reckon, but open to getting to know you."

"Hm okay."

A bit of time later, we end up getting called up for our first ever challenge, which I was buzzing for. We all jog over to the challenge area, which has this little stall, a slide, a few bowls of lube and a sign saying 'slide into the dms'.

We're explained the game, how we slide down the slide, grab a dm, the kiss whoever we think the dm matches too. Boys are up first and Anton pours the bowl of lube all over him, then slides down the slide, grabbing a dm. He shakes his whole body in attempt to get the purple slime of him. He places the dm on the stand ad it says. 'I've only ever slept with one person.'

"I think it's Amber." He goes up and kisses Amber, after, she looks like she wants to take it back and Anton looks smug. "It was...Yewande!" She smiles awkwardly and laughs, "I spend all my time in the library okay?" The game continues and we find out many things about each other. Tommy goes up and his abs are now shining in lube he slides down and grabs a DM which reads, 'I accidentally slept with my sisters ex.' I keep a poker face knowing it's me, as Tommy places the dm on the stall. He looks down the line of girls and his eyes wonder straight to me. "I'm going to go with...Lia!" He exclaims, making me walk up to the stall, prepared to share our first kiss. He grabs my cheek gently and leans his head towards me, crashing his lips onto mine."Woo!" Everyone exclaims. I wrap my arms around his neck as we break apart. Tommy rips of the pink bit and sees my name. "It was Amelia!"
"Accidentally?" Anton exclaims, making everyone laugh. "Hey! I never knew they were dating."

Curtis reads out the dm, 'I once called out my ex boyfriends brothers name during sex.'

"I think, with the evidence so far..." Curtis laughs, "It's Lia."

I shake my head as I give Curtis a kiss, it doesn't give me as much emotion as the one did that I had with Tommy but then again, this was only a challenge. "It was...Anna!"

"Ha!" I exclaim.

Anna looks sheepish. My turn comes up quiet quickly actually and I pour the lube down my body. I catch Tommy's eyes on me, but completely ignore them, keeping him on his toes. 'I've had more than one threesome.' I go over to the girls and they suggest Micheal. Obviously, I would've preferred to kiss maybe, perhaps- Tommy, but I was playing to win. "I think it's...Micheal." He stands up to the stall and I give him a quick kiss. Which he seemed to enjoy. I rip the pink strip off and it reveals its Micheal. "Yay!" The challenge ends on a high note which was definitely Joes rapping to Biggie Smalls. The challenge was so fun, I was kind of sad it was over, but happy the girls came out with a victory. We all shower of the slime and just enjoy each other's company.

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