EIGHT| recouple

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Everyone was tired after the challenge, so most people were just lying around

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Everyone was tired after the challenge, so most people were just lying around. Including the girls on the daybeds.

"So girls, strongest couple?" Amy asked.

"Amy- it's obviously you and Curtis...I mean look at you." Amber scoffed.

There were mumbles of agreements as most of the girls were half asleep, including me.

I squint over to see Lucie having a conversation with Joe and I turn to the girls.

"Lucie's torn."

"What?" Yewande replied.

"Yeah, she doesn't know whether she likes Tommy or Joe."

"Oh my god, so this is like a love square."

I click my tongue and push up my sunglasses, "Yeah." I respond, looking towards Molly-Mae who was speaking with Tommy. I sit up a bit, "Y'know what? It is what it is. I just want him to be happy, he's a great lad."

The girls smiled sincerely. The whole chat was pretty dead, most of us being half asleep.

The last thing I remember was falling asleep on Anna's shoulder.

"Ah!" I scream as a flood of coldness spreads all over my body. My eyes opened wide in shock, wondering what the hell just happened. After sitting up, I see Sherif and Tommy laughing over me and I pout.

"That's so uncalled for guys. I was so peaceful."

Sherif nodded his head, "Oh you definitely were."

"Yeah were past tense." I glare, shaking my head. I look toward Tommy, "I can't believe you were involved in this too." I joke, looking heartbroken, making him laugh. Now I'm going to have to dry off my hair. Well, I needed a shower anyway. I headed to the bathroom to dry off when I see Callum chilling in there.

"This your hangout spot Callum?" I kid, grabbing my towel of the hook.

"No, we just always find each other here I guess...Why are you so wet? You were asleep last time I saw you."

"Mhm...yeah, well that was interrupted when Sherif and Tommy thought it'd be such banter to pour a jug of water on me."

Callum held back a laugh making me raise my eyebrow, "I shouldn't be laughing. Sorry."

"It is pretty funny." I smirk, walking out the room to redo the remnants of the makeup I had on.

Girls start flowing in and I realise the time, I must've slept for a while. Good thing I was doing some heavy makeup anyway. I decided to tie my hair back today and wear an off the shoulder cream dress.

"You actually look amazing Lia." Molly-Mae commented, doing her eyeshadow.

Maybe she was just a kind hearted girl with good intentions.

"So Molly-Mae. Who have you got your eye on at the moment?" Amber questioned, eyeing me while doing so.

"Honestly, I don't know. I'm torn between Anton and Tommy."

"Anton? Really, what's he been like to you?" I ask, putting on my eyeliner.

"Really sweet honestly. He's really nice. The accent though, that's the one thing."

The girls laughed.

"That's how we all feel." Yewande smiled, straightening her hair.

We all went outside and gathered round when I got a text.

"I've got a text!" I call out, making everyone face me.

"Another one?" Curtis asks, more to himself.

"Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. The girls will choose and the boy who is left will be dumped from the island. Unfortunately, the girl with last pick will be vulnerable and single on the islander. Please congregate around the fire pit now.

There were a bunch of complaints throughout the Villa.

"Surely that's not fair!" Amy sighed, rubbing her temples.

"It's not suppose to be fair, it's a game." I huff, walking towards the fire pit with a panicking Amy.

The boys all lined up in front of us as we sat down. There was a lingering silence around the Villa before Amy's phone lit up, making her sigh in relief, she was up first. "I want to couple up with this boy because...he is so handsome and funny. He treats me like a princess and I am so lucky to have met someone like him. So the boy I would like to couple up with is...Curtis!" We clap happily as Curtis walks towards Amy giving her a peck before sitting down.

Anna's phone went off, "I want to couple up with this boy because...he is so sweet and funny and kind. Not to mention his body is so sexy." Anton's face lit up. I was on the edge of laughing. Anton thought it was him. It was obviously Sherif. "The boy I want to couple up with is...Sherif!" Anton's face drops as we all clap and Sherif goes to Anna.

Ambers phone goes off next, putting me more on edge, "Okay, so...I would like to couple up with this boy because he's a funny lad and he has a good heart, we've made a great friendship over the time in the Villa." Amber stared directly at Anton, "The boy I want to couple up with is...Anton!" Everyone claps as they hug and Anton mutters a thank you into Ambers ear which was just about heard by me.

Molly-Mae's phone goes off. This is when it hits me. She's before me, Tommy is still up there and she hasn't cracked on with Micheal or Callum at all. What did I expect? I said I was fine with it and now I face the consequences I guess.

"So...I'd like to couple up with this boy because he is so good hearted and such a sweetheart. He has been so welcoming to me in the Villa and I am so excited to get to know him. I want to couple up with...Tommy!" My head drops and I squeeze my eyes shut.

It's Lucie's go. She does a long speech, which is obviously about Joe. He's the only one left. She ends up picking Joe and I clap for them. I'm happy for them, I'm just not happy at the situation. It's now between me and Yewande, whoever's phone goes off is safe.

Yewande's goes off.

"Of course." I mutter to Amber, who wraps her arm around me.

"I'd like to couple up with this boy because over the course of our time here he has been a great friend to me and he is such a good guy. He's funny, kind and has a massive heart. I'd like to couple up with Micheal."

Callum's relaxes all his muscles. He's dumped and I'm single.

"Callum, you are the final boy left, meaning you have been dumped from the island. Lia, you were the last girl to get picked, meaning you are single and vulnerable." Curtis reads the text. We all say our goodbyes to Callum. It's hard to see him go. I pull him into a long hug and say my goodbyes. After, I walk inside. I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone. This night has gone horrible. I just want it to end.


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