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Everyone ( in the bedroom ) began to complain when the lights went on

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Everyone ( in the bedroom ) began to complain when the lights went on. Last night was amazing, Ovie was a really good cuddler, I'm not going to lie. I was really proud of Amber, Amy, Molly-Mae and Anna for sleeping outside. I was just hopeful their boys were doing the same. Ovie grinned at me as we both started to shuffle out of bed.

"Good morning to you." He greeted happily.

"And a good morning to you Ovie." He laughed as we both went our separate ways to get ready.

I wore a dark green swimsuit and went out towards the kitchen area with Amber, to make something. I was quite surprised when Ovie was there, making up an omelette. "I made enough for two, do you want some?" He offered kindly.

I smiled, "Aw thanks Ovie." I thanked him. He simply nodded and got back to making the eggs.

I filled up both of our water bottles and we both sat down and ate it.

"Oh my god." I say.

"What is it?" Ovie asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"This is the best omelette I have ever had. I'm sorry, did you say you were a basket ball player? Are you sure chef does not come onto the list?" He chuckled and shook his head,

"Nah, natural talents all around I guess."

I widen my eyes, "Oh definitely."

"Was that a compliment?"

"Take it or leave it." I shrugged walking away, walking away smiling.

It was midway through the day and me and Ovie were having a swim in the pool. He was a really laid back, which I honestly really like. That's when Amber got a text.

"Islanders, this afternoon the Villa will be up against Casa Amor in a series of challenges. The first Villa to complete each challenge the fastest, wins a point. The Villa with the most points at the end of the game, will win a free party tonight."

"Let's get that second time going!" I exclaim, hopping over to the seats where we're all suppose to sit for the challenge.

The first text was, "One boy must kiss the cheek of the girl he fancies most."

Ovie immediately got up and pecked me on the cheek, sitting back down. I blushed a little, then the next one was read.

"The girl first alphabetically must kiss the guy first alphabetically."

Dan tried to get a kiss with Amber, but she denied, not comfortable to do it.

"Sorry guys I just can't do it." She mumbled.

"Don't worry babes." I comfort her.

There were a series of challenges, some were laughable and some were just plain out awkward. Like Anna drinking from Dan's belly button. Awh, the thought of that made me shudder.

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