TWELVE| boys

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"Oh. My. God!" I say as we enter our new home for the next few days, admiring it. We all set our suitcases down and gaped at the place. We began having a little chat which mainly consisted of 'I hope they're fit.' Or 'this is it Lia.'

We all shut up though when Caroline came out.

"Hey girls! Surprised to see me so soon? So welcome to Casa Amor, how are you feeling?"

"It's great." Maura commented.

"Yeah." I agree.

Caroline continued, "Well, whilst your here the boys will be back at the main Villa. But not alone, joined by six other girls."

"That's a lot." Amber said.

"But don't worry, they are not having all the fun. You will be joined by six other boys!"

Six boys came in and I my mouth literally dropped. They were all so fit. But what made me really widen my eyes, was when I saw Dan. Dan, as in, my ex boyfriend Dan.

We caught eyes and I awkwardly looked down, which didn't go unnoticed by the girls. Amber gave me a look, which I replied to with a small smile.

"So girls, this is Ovie, Dan, Marvin, Dennon, George and Stevie. Caroline introduced, each of the boys gave us small smiles.

When I finally managed to look away from...Dan, I locked eyes with Ovie. Damn, he was fit. 

Caroline continued to speak, "Boys, how do you feel?"

"Good." Marvin said.

"I'm ecstatic." Maura joked.

Caroline nodded, "Well girls, get to know them because there are some you might want to keep."

With that she left and all the boys came over to us. Ovie sent me a smile, which I kindly returned and approached me before Dan could, thankfully. 

"Hey, I'm Ovie."

"Lia." I grinned, "What do you think?" I gestured to the villa.

"It's nice." He commented, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I think I prefer this to the other Villa." I nodded.

"Oo, already throwing that shade on the main Villa huh?"

I let out a laugh, "Yeah you know it, so, Ovie, tell me about yourself." I replied playfully.

"Well, I'm 28, a professional basket ball player and from London."

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