FIVE| swimming

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The lights flicked on and many groans an protests could be heard from the bedroom

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The lights flicked on and many groans an protests could be heard from the bedroom. I opened my eyes and squinted, adjusting to the light. It made me quiet happy to see that the first thing I'd wake up to is Tommy's gorgeous face. "Good morning." I say groggily, blowing my hair out my face.

"Morning gorgeous." He plants a kiss on my forehead and we both get out of bed. I stretch and take a long sip out of my water bottle. I face Amy, who is in the bed next to me and we have a small chat. We're soon interrupted by Curtis, who calls out to everyone "Anyone want tea, coffee?" Everyone replied with their orders,

"Tea please Curtis and thank you." I say gratefully.

"Aw, I'll have a tea too please mate." I grin at Tommy, "What?" He asked.

"Your a tea person! My life is complete!" I jump into his arms playfully and he laughs.

Tommy and I walk out to the kitchen, having a quiet conversation about Hannah Montana again. She always seems to pop up. I sat down after making myself some toast and avocado and Anton comes an sits down next to me.

"Good morning Anton." I smile and take a sip out of the legendary tea Curtis made.

"Hey Lia, I just wanted to say that if you don't want anything to happen between us then I'm fine being mates."

"Yeah course, your a great mate Anton, just you wait. I bet you a girl will walk in and be head over heels."

He chuckled, "Thank you Lia, I really appreciate that."

"It's nothing Anton, don't worry." I give him a reassuring look and he gets up and leaves.

I go back to the bedroom and see Yewande and Amber both getting ready. I grab my straighteners as I approach them,

"Hey girls."

"Hiya Lia, you alright?" Yewande asked.

"Yeah, I'm great thanks, things with Tommy have been going great."

"I wish I could say the same about Callum." Amber rolled her eyes.

"Oh no, why?"

"We just clash all together, not me at all."

"What about you and Micheal?" I gesture to Yewande.

"It's early days, but I think we're more mates."

I shrug as I applied some lip gloss, "Like you said it's still early days ennit, so anything could happen."

"Exactly!" Amber replied.

Amber, Yewande and I all walked out and sat on the bean bags with, Tommy Joe and Anton. I was wearing minimal makeup, because I planned to go in the pool today.

"So guys...what are all of your favourite foods?" Yewande asked.

"Sandwiches." Joe replied.

"Of course mate." Anton laughed, taking a swig of his water.

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