FOUR| coupling

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Tonight was the night

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Tonight was the night. The girls were putting on their best makeup skills and the boys were running around in a frantic frenzy. "Hey Amb, can you help me with my fake eyelashes babe?" Everyone was getting Amber to help them since she was the beauty therapist and all. I had a pink, smoky eye look and a black v cut dress. I curl my hair and finish off with my makeup. I put on my necklace with the help of Amy and we all head outside. To say Tommy was looking amazing tonight, would be an understatement. He was wearing this skin tight polo and jeans. All the boys looked amazing, but Tommy caught my eye. He gives me a cheeky smile and me and Yewande go get our drinks. "So, you think Tommy will couple up with you tonight?"

"Well I hope so, but, I've kind of kept all my eggs in one basket, which isn't the best, but Tommy is a really nice guy."

We're a few drinks down and everyone is dancing, smiling and having a laugh. Then, Amy's phone beeps. "Someone has a text!" I slur. Amy feels towards her phone and shouts, "It's me!" She squints towards her phone, "Curtis and Tommy. The time has come for you to pick the girls you want to couple up with. All islanders must congregate around the fire pit now." Everyone clearly tensed. We walked towards the firepit and sat by Anna and Amy. Curtis went first, stepping forward. He did a cute little speech then said, "So the girl I want to couple up with is...Amy!" I grin from ear to ear, happy for my close becoming friend. It means it's now Tommy's turn. Michael, who I've became quite good friends, gives me a shoulder squeeze. The strange thing about tonight, is that Lucie's been giving me some death stares, especially when I talk to Tommy.

"Right, so I'm picking this girl because ever since I laid my eyes on her I knew we'd have a connection and I was so right. She is a funny, amazing person and I cant wait to get to know her more. Not to mention she is gorgeous inside and out." Tommy, clasps his hands together, "The girl I'd like to couple up with is...Lia!" I sigh in relief and go stand next to him. He gives me a kiss on the head and wraps his arm around my waist. Things are finally seeming to go my way. Lucie gave me another glare and when we all dispersed I approached her. "You okay babe?"

"Don't babe me."

"I'm sorry? Have I done something wrong?"

"Well I have every right to be mad. I really wanted to get to know Tommy, but your here and swipe him away."

"Woah Lucie- I thought you were getting on with Joe and if you wanted to get to know him, you should've said. Also, you can still get to know him?"

"It's not that simple!"

"Why?" I reply, keeping my cool. Why was she getting like this?

"Because I want to get to know him and Joe. And I'm torn and it's so stressful!"

"Hey, I'm here for you. Fair enough it's stressful, but you still have a chance to get to know them."

She nodded with appreciation, "Thank you, I guess I needed that."

I give her a wide smile and leave her with Anton, who I'm guessing gives her some reassuring words and approach Tommy.

"Hey." He grinned, taking a sip of his drink.

"Hi." I sit down with him on the day bed, "I'm really happy you coupled up with me. Your speech was really sweet."

"I meant every word, your amazing. And I'm excited to share a bed with you." Tommy smirked. I playfully slap him on the shoulder. I have to admit, when ever he compliments me, it always makes me shy. No one ever really makes me shy.

All of the Islanders began getting ready for bed ever a crazy night. Lucie was still outside making a drink so I spoke to Anna and Amber about our conversation. I put on some shorts and a hoodie and threw myself on the bed. Tommy came out shirtless in nothing but shorts and smiled at me. "You look really pretty without makeup." He commented wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into him. I just smile and snuggle into his warmth.

"Night everyone!" Curtis exclaimed as the lights went out and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

[ okay, I got so many comments telling me to update and I kinda gave in, so expect some more! ]

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