Chapter Twenty Four

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We arrived to an empty barn, much to Thor's disappointment. Rick, one of Maurice's helpers told us the horses were out in the far northern pasture for the day and offered to drive us out there so we could ride. He loaded up the back of his black pickup truck with riding equipment and we hopped in the front cab with him. It was a short drive over to the pasture and all fourteen of the horses were hanging out by the gate when they heard the truck coming. Rick hopped out and opened the gate for us, shooing the horses away so we could enter. Lady walked right over to Thor, clearly fond of him, and started nuzzling his shoulder. He put a carrot he had grabbed from the barn fridge out on his palm and she happily accepted it from him.

"Someone has a favorite." I teased.

"The man or the horse?" Rick joked as he walked past.

Thor ignored both us and continued to fawn over his horse.

I had a carrot as well hoping it would coax the little chestnut brown mare named Gypsy to let me pet her. She was one of the smaller horses and closer in size to the regular horses I had seen before. She was still a big animal but for some reason I found her less intimidating. I called her name as I approached and her ears twitched watching me intently. I placed the carrot on my palm as Thor had done and waited for her to take the last two steps to me if she was interested. She walked over right away and took the carrot gently, her fuzzy mouth brushing against my hand. I praised her and gave her neck a quick pet. She leaned into me and I resumed petting her which she seemed to enjoy.

"You should take her out for a ride. She's fond of you." Rick said walking over with a saddle for me.

"I don't know. I've never ridden before. And all she did was take a carrot from me." I told him.

"It's the way she's leaning in on you. Horses are affectionate animals, you see how Lady keeps all but knocking Thor over? That's her getting close to him so he knows she cares. Gypsy is doing the same thing to you, just gentler."

"I guess I should probably try considering we own a horse form, huh?"

"You're gonna have to do it sometime."

"Okay, today it is. Saddle her up!"

Rick chuckled and started getting Gypsy ready for me. Thor was already done setting up Lady and I watched him mount her with one graceful motion.

"You make that look so easy!" I yelled over at him.

"It is easy!" he called back. He was so comfortable up on the horse's back and I hoped I would learn to be as well. Riding was something he enjoyed and I wanted to be able to share it with him some of the time.

Rick lead Gypsy over to me and helped me up. It took me several tries but I finally swung myself up and into the saddle. "I can walk you for a little bit so you two can get used to each other if you want." Rick offered.

I thanked him and we went along the fence line for a few minutes until I got the hang of things. Thor was racing Lady over on the other side of the hill, both of them enjoying the fun. I assured Rick I was fine after a bit and directed Gypsy over to where Thor and Lady were taking a break.

"Hey!" I shouted as we approached them.

"Look at you up on a horse!" he yelled back.

"I know! I can't believe it myself."

"I was going to walk Lady over by the stream for a bit if you want to come along. It's right over that hill."

"I think we can manage that."

I gave Gypsy a nudge and she walked right alongside Lady on the way to the stream. We followed it along the path to the pond and then headed back. I enjoyed the peacefulness of riding and wished I had tried it sooner. Both horses picked up the pace as we approached the herd and I had a feeling they were happy to be done carrying us around.

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