p a r t y f a v o r

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( a/n h a p p y b i r t h d a y b y t h e w a y )
hey, leave a message
it's been saying the same thing for the past 24 hours. man does he ever pick up his phone?
hey- call me back when you get this
or when you got a minute
we really need to talk
wait- you know what
maybe just forget it
'cause by the time you get this
your number may be blocked
i've been trying to get ahold of grayson for hours now. we really need to talk. recently i've realized that he's just been using me. he's done so many shitty things to me but yet i still wait and reserve myself for him. hoping he'll change and we'll actually have somewhat of a stable relationship. i've been with grayson through thick and thin. who was by his side though literally everything? me that's who and he's just going to leave me for some other girl? hell no got me fucked up. i really want to talk to him and tell him how i feel but he never answers his fucking phone but he sure does answer it for his side chicks smh. me and gray met at a party a while ago and kinda been a thing for a long time now. i mean we knew each other for our whole life but just recently we've been hooking up. at this point i'm fed up he's never going to be a man and answer the phone. damn and by the time he does answer his number may be blocked.
"stay" and "bla bla bla"
you just want what you can't have
no way
i'll call the cops
if you don't stop, i'll call your mom
all these bullshit words he gave me like "stay" the rest like "bla bla bal" went straight through my ears because it's all literal bullshit. he doesn't mean anything he says. he just wants my attention and wants me to stay with him for god knows what. he just wants what he can't have. which is me. i don't want him anymore i'm fed up with all his bullshit lies ( *cough*cough* damn i have something in my throat ) and excuses for shit. like he really thinks i'm that dumb? dumb enough to believe what he says. hell naw i literally see right through him.
and i hate to do this to you on your
happy birthday by the way
" it's not me, it's you " and all that other
you know that's bullshit?
don'tcha', babe?
i'm not your party favor
it's literally his birthday. which could explain why he's not answering but he could at least if texted me he's busy right now. happy birthday by the way. he blames all of our problems on me. i'm apparently too " controlling " but damn if wanting what's best for him is " controlling " i guess we aren't meant for each other then because that's all i was literally doing. i tried to tell him what's best for him and he thinks i'm controlling which makes no fucking sense because i just love and care for him so much that's why i want what's best for him. my *** is it that hard? all i'n doing is caring for him but he doesn't fucking see it that way? how? i don't understand? he literally has me fucked up sometimes. like smh man. he knows blaming all this shit in me is bullshit. literal bullshit. i hope he doesn't think i was just some party favor to him because smh i'm not his party favor.
look- now i know we, we could've done it better
but we can't change the weather
when the weather's come and gone
books don't make sense if you read em' 
you'll single out the wrong words
like you mishear all my songs
me and gray's relationship or whatever the fuck we were could of gone so much better. i wish it would have went better but naw me being in love never works out. yeah me and gray flirted here and there but he didn't know that i actually truly did like him so he of course wasn't hesitant of talking to other girls. basically forgetting me and there was Thai one fucking girl i had a gut feeling was trying to take gray away from me and guess what? guess who was right? i was like gray she's trying to take you away from me. i know it. one day y'all will start dating and you will forget about me. i just fucking know it. you will never guess what happened? she took him away from me and me and gray aren't friends anymore. who was right? meeeeEeEEeEEeEeeE! i was right! ( *cough* damn this cough is really bad ) without that bitch in the picture me and gray would've been something. i just guess me and gray weren't meant for each other? although i wish we were though.we can't change whatever the hell we were now. it is what it is sadly. he just somehow managed to single out all the wrong words. he never fully understood what i said to him. did he not care? did he ever care? did i actually mean something to him? or was i only a party favor to him? he somehow managed to mishear all the words i ever said to him. it's amazing isn't it?
you hear " stay " and " bla bla bla "
you just want what you can't have
no way
i'll call the cops
if you don't stop, i'll call your mom
it just amazes me how he just somehow managed to mishear all the words i ever said to him. i payed attention to everything he said. he was so important to me because he helped me through a tough situation and i thought he would have stayed with me ( *cough* shit this cough is bad i think i need to see a doctor) but he didn't. such a shocker now isn't it? ( lmao note the sarcasm ) he just wanted what he couldn't have.
and i hate to do this to you on your
happy birthday by the way
" it's not me, it's you " and all that other
you know that's bullshit?
don'tcha', babe?
i'm not your party favor
i feel bad doing this to him on his birthday but honestly he doesn't deserve me. sometimes we want things that aren't good for us. ( totally not @ anyone )
i just thought he was good for me when he wasn't.( damn again not @ anyone ) happy birthday by the way. i just wanted things to work out between us. everything happens for a reason though. he just lied to me so many times and thought i wouldn't find out his lies but i did. sucks doesn't it? all he put me through was complete bullshit. he blamed me for everything. smh not everything was my fault. maybe if he was actually somewhat human and had EMOTIONS he would of actually cared about me and done something to prevent all this shit from happening. oh well it is what it is at this point. he left me for some girl. i just hope he knows i'm not his party favor...

( a/n this popular boy started texting me on snapchat and smh idk how people do it? hell i get all nervous when one of my girl that is a friend texts me so imagine how i would feel when a boy texts me. let alone him being popular which is something i'm not. anywho we stoped texting because he left me on read. classic boys? am i right? happy birthday by the way...)

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