held hostage

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( a/n kinda based off a dream i had about gray <3 )
" you're never going to see them again."
are the last words that i can remember,but i can't remember who said them.i open my eyes to see a empty grey room. i try to move,but i notice my arms are chained to a wall. my legs feel numb i could barely get my self to move my head to look around the room. i can feel that i'm too weak to do anything. i can't even think right. i sit there with my hands chained up to the wall not being able to move or anything. i can't remember what happened. i'm starting to get a fain memory of a man saying some words before he put a cloth over my nose and i think what happened next was that i passed out? i think that's how i got here. i hear a door open and i mange to move my head to the right to see who it is. there' stands a man with very pink plump lips,sharp jawline,brownish eyes,and brown fluffy hair. he looks familiar,but i can't quite get my finger on it. he comes up to me and squats down to my level. he stares into my eyes for a while which i find kinda odd. i start to get nervous because he's intimating as hell so i look down. he lifts my chin up with his hand so me and him were making eye contact. he parts his lips before saying.
" i haven't seen you in so long. you're even more beautiful then last time i saw you. hell if that's even possible?"
i kinda blush at his last words. damn it i'm not suppose to be feeling this way. he fucking kidnapped me. i should hate him tbh. my throat is very fucking dry but somehow i mange to say.
" wh-who ar-are yo-you?"
i can see the hurt in his eyes. i mean i feel bad but i can't seem to remember who he is. he sighs before saying.
" damn hurts you don't remember who i am. "
he pauses but continues with.
" i know you don't remember but i'm grayson."
my heart sunk as soon as i heard those words leave his mouth. it can't be. it isn't. i attempt to scoot away from him but my back is as close to the wall as it can get. i notice the anger grow in his eyes as he clenches his jaw. you know i would think this is hot,but the memories are starting to flood back and i can't face him. i can't look at him the same. me and gray use to be best friends. we were inseparable. i loved him and he loved me. i would of done anything and everything for him. one day everything changed grayson became addicted to drugs and alcohol. i never supported him doing that shit because it's bad for him. i couldn't let him hurt himself like that. i begged him to stop,but he didn't. i tried staying there for him,but i didn't last long. he became almost a different person. he wasn't the same grayson i knew. the look in his eyes changed. he's body language changed. his behavior changed. he just wasn't the same grayson i knew. i know as bad as it's sounds but i left him. which was probably one of the worst things i could of done. he began drinking and smoking more. he become apart of a gang and murdered several people. how do i know all this? ethan who is gray's brother. yes i know it's kinda shitty of me to keep in contact with ethan after i left gray. see ethan was on my side he didn't want his own brother to go down that path. he didn't support gray's choice at all. he wanted what's best for his brother and he knew what grayson was doing at the time wasn't the right chose for gray. i soon snap out of my thoughts when i hear gray clear his throat. i look up at him to see him standing up hovering over me. boy does he look hella intimidating. i'm almost too scared to even breath. he looks at me dead in the eyes and says.
" now i want you to know. you're not going anywhere. scream all you want but no one will come rescue you or hell even hear you. you follow the rules and you'll be fine. disobey them and you'll have consequences. don't even try to escape because you can't. to put it short and simple you'll never going to see your family again. you're mine now and mine only. do i make myself clear?"
i'm took back by all his words. i'm stunned. i'm not his. i'm not a fucking piece of property. i shouldn't have to obey shit. he's not the boss of me. he's fucking insane. i'm beyond fucking pissed at this point. i know by the bad feeling on my stomach that i shouldn't do this,but i'm going to anyway. i clear my throat before saying.
" first off, asshole i'm not a fucking piece of property. i don't have to obey shit. you're fucking mental for kidnapping me and practically making me your slave."
i see him roll his eyes. i feel myself get heated at this point.i take all the courage i have to say this.
" damn you really must be dumb. i don't know if you can tell or not but there's a fucking reason i left your ass. you want to know that reason? it's because you're a fucking asshole. you changed up on me and expected me to stay?and what let you treat me like shit? you asked me to stick around,but like what the fuck would i stay for? face it gray you're the same gray you were then and you're the same gray now."
i laugh before shaking my head and whisper to myself.
" hell, you're probably even worse now."
i notice he heard that last past because his jaw is hella clenched and his vains look like there going to pop out. i can see the anger in his eyes which are tbh hella scary to look at. he practically yells.
" you know you have a lot of courage to be talking like that to me young lady."
i feel my heart rate go up and feel a knot in my stomach when he finished saying that. fuck i'm not suppose to be feeling this way. he bends down to my level and violently lifts my head up with his hands and keeps my head in his hands so that we're making eye contact.
" you're lucky it's your first day here or else i would punish you for talking to me like that. you better never raise your voice or speak to me like that again. next time you do i'll make sure you can't walk for a week. now young lady get this in your head. you're never leaving here no matter what. do whatever you want to leave or escape but trust me you won't be successful. you're mine and will forever be only mine.understood?"
i gulp before nodding my head yes. gray smiles then says.
" great now before i go i want you to remember follow all the rules and never break them. we'll go over the rules later. anyway i love you. i'm not letting you see your family ever again for a reason."
once those last words left his mouth. i began to feel tears run down my face. i miss my family more then ever right now. gray wipes away my tears and says.
" don't cry baby girl. i don't want to see my angel cry,but understand it's for a reason and trust me i wish i could tell you but i can't. just trust me. that's all i ask. i know we didn't end shit on the best note but i've changed trust me."
he kisses my forehead before saying.
" get some rest my love."
i simply nod and with that he walks out of the the room. i see him close the door and then my heart breaks when i hear him lock it. how could this happen to me? i want to go home and feel safe. i want to be with my family,but instead i've been kidnapped and currently also being held hostage by grayson...

( a/n there's been a lot of shit happening in my life recently and at the moment i feel extremely overwhelmed <\3 )

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