s o m e b o d y e l s e

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( a/n i d o n ' t w a n t y o u r b o d y b u t i h a t e t o t h i n k a b o u t y o u w i t h s o m e b o d y e l s e )
( background story: you and gray were dating for a long time until you started to realize you and his love went cold. you told gray about it. you told him about you wanting to end things and how you found somebody else but gray just doesn't want to believe it. gray still wants you and him in a relationship together but you want him to realize it's just not going to happen so while you and gray are still "dating" you're texting and seeing somebody else )
                              Grayson's POV
so i heard you found somebody else
and at first i thought it was a lie
i took all my things that make sounds
the rest i can do without
i knew this day would come and i dreaded this day so much. the day that me and y/n's relationship would go cold and be nothing anymore. i can't even begin to describe how much i love y/n. she's literally everything i have ever wanted and more. that's why i was so fucking heartbroken when i heard she wanted to end things. she's been very distant for quite a while now. i knew she found somebody new because i was just on my phone when i got a notification saying y/n followed someone on instagram. i went on to their profile to see who it was and i just somehow had this feeling it was this boy she's talking to. i was scrolling through this boys feed and literally there was nothing to compare to. i was obviously more attractive then him he looks like the fucking joker with his green ass hair. literally shake my fucking head this is who she's leaving me for. damn she could do better then this so much better. for example me. leave him and go back to me. what does he have that i don't? i confront y/n about this and not to my surprise this is the fucking boy she's been fucking around with. got me fucked up. he doesn't deserve her. she's way too fucking good for him. me and y/n get into this fucking big ass argument because we're officially over and that's not how i wanted it to be. i pack all my necessary items i need and leave her apartment. i head to my car to leave far away from this place. i pit my items in the truck of my car and get into my car and head off to god knows where. i went to this overlook and just sat there in my car. it was dark outside so there was no light except a few street lights but they didn't provide much light. i just sit there looking at the overview and think to myself.
i don't want your body
but i hate to think about you with
somebody else
our love has gone cold
you're intertwining your soul with
somebody else
why did it have to come to this? all i did was put love and effort into our relationship and it just went cold out of nowhere. this was all so unexpected to me. i hate to think about her with somebody else. i lean my head onto the back of my seats head rest and just lay sit there miserable. i just lost the love of my life. now she's intertwining her soul with somebody else. why can't it be me? why can't she intertwine her soul with me not that fucking green hair boy.
i'm looking through you while you're
looking through your phone
and then leaving with somebody else
no, i don't want your body
but i'm picturing your body with somebody else
flashbacks are coming back to me. i just remember sitting there on the couch next to y/n with some space in between us because that's what she wanted. i would just sit there and look at her while she's looking through her phone and texting that fucking joker looking ass boy. i just sit there flabbergasted that she's really leaving me for him. she would always end up leaving the apartment to go see this boy. it hurt every time she left and when she came home that's what hurt the worse she would open the door and i would sit there watching her. before she closed the door ever single time she would hug and kiss whatever the fucks name with the green hair and i would see all of it happen. right in front of me and not going to lie my heart broke a little every time. i snap back into reality and i didn't even realize i'm crying. i felt tears flood down my face. i'm literally in my car crying over y/n. why? it's because i still fucking love her for some reason. i just picture her body with somebody else. to be exact that green hair joker boy. i hate picturing them together.
come on baby
this ain't the last time that i'll see your face
come on baby
you said you'd find someone to take my place
i headed over to a local dinner and ordered a milkshake. maybe this will make me feel better? i sit in the back of the dinner and as i was scrolling through my phone i saw two people walk in. you'll never guess who it was. it was my precious y/n with that fucking joker looking boy. i felt my blood boil. that shouldn't be him and her together. it should be me and y/n. i was looking at y/n as she was standing next to the joker boy. i saw her look at me and i was still looking at her. we made eye contact and it honestly made my heart skip a beat. she's so beautiful. why did i have to lose her? why can't she still be mine? i snap back into reality and see that y/n is sitting at a table in the dinner with the green haired boy. she's laughing with him. how much i miss seeing her smile is unreal. i remember one time that y/n told me she would find someone to take my place. really? that joker ass liking boy is going to take my place? yeah i highly doubt it but those were my thoughts when me and her were still somewhat together. now he did actually take my place. i just want to know what does he have that i don't? ugh this whole situation has just got me fucked up. i finish my milkshake and get up to throw it away.
i just don't believe that you have got it in you 'cause
we are just gonna keep 'doin' it' and
i start to believe in anything you're saying
i'm reminded that i should be getting over
i head back to my car to get out of that diner. seeing that joker ass looking boy with my beloved y/n. as i said before he doesn't fucking deserve her. hell she's too good for anyone. even me. ugh why did all of this have to happen tonight. i get into my car and head on over to the bar to drink my pain away. i get into the bar and walk up to the counter thing and sit down at the bar. i ordered a drink and chug it down quickly then i ask for another one. i was minding my own business drinking and on my phone when. you'll never guess who comes into the bar. fucking that green ass joker looking boy and y/n. hell better yet they came in holding hands. it's like everywhere i look y/n is there. ugh this is just my fucking luck. i would go over there to confront y/n but the joker seems to have some friends with him. i'm not trying to start a scene or anything like that so i'll keep how i feel to myself. i kept looking back to look at y/n. i mean can you blame me? she's beyond beautiful. she's so gorgeous it's literally breathtaking. i didn't realize she was looking at me too because we made eye contact. which as usual makes my heart skip a beat. we're still making eye contact with each other but now her joker looking boy noticed and sent me the dirtiest look ever. hell i'm not scared of him so i just rolled my eyes at him and finished my drink. i payed for all my drinks and then left out of the back alley. where it was pretty dark with a few street lights but didn't really help the darkness. i was almost to my car when i heard a bunch of people behind me. i turn around to see who it was and not to my surprise it's y/n, joker boy, and the jokers gang or whatever. the joker steps in front of me and says.
" are we going to have a problem?"
i could honestly care less about him. so i decided to test him to see what he'll do. i'm pretty drunk at this point so i'm not the strongest right now. i'm literally stumbling when i walk so this isn't going to end well. i decided to say.
" i don't know? are we?"
he scoffs before punching me right in the face. which automatically sends me straight to the ground. i hold my face in pain because he just fucking punched me. i notice that my nose and mouth are bleeding. then i hear the joker looking boy laugh and say.
" i guess we are."
i look up and see y/n standing next to the joker boy laughing. god she's such a bitch sometimes. i don't necessarily miss y/n. i miss the old y/n. i miss who she use to be. before the joker, his gang, and his bitch run off. the joker boy says.
" don't ever come around us again. also stop stalking y/n she doesn't love you anymore. get over it. god you're so pathetic."
he spits on me before leaving. i shake my head and get up and head to my car. i get into my car and start breaking down crying. why did this happen to me? what the fuck did i do wrong to deserve this? all i did was give y/n all my love and this is what i get in return. got me fucked up.
i don't want your body
but i hate to think about you with
somebody else
our love has gone cold
you're intertwining you soul with
somebody else
i'm sitting in my car crying and thinking. i don't want y/n anymore but i hate to think about her with somebody else. why did she leave me for him? he's literally below me. i'm so much more better than him. she's downgraded but why? why did she do all this? why did our love go cold? was it something i did? i'm just all so confused i just want some answers. i never wanted our love to go cold. now it's all too late. our love went cold and now this is what it's come too. she's left me and now she's intertwining her soul with somebody else.
i'm looking through you while you're
looking through your phone
and then leaving with somebody else
no, i don't want your body
but i'm picturing your body with somebody else
why didn't i see this coming sooner? i should of just left before all this shit between me and y/n happened. i just was too in love with her to see this was going to happen. i'm just getting overwhelmed with flashbacks of when i would just sit there for hours waiting for y/n to come home. i always stayed up waiting for her to come home no matter how late it was i would be up. up for her. i lost so much sleep that way i should of just fucking went to bed. i would just sit there while she's on her phone texting that boy and i would just hope she would realize she's making a mistake. she doesn't fucking need him. she's too good for him. i would always just sit there looking through her while she's looking through her phone and then leaving with somebody else. i just miss the old y/n? what fucking happened to her? i did anything and everything for her. i gave her a place to stay. i gave her money. i gave up everything for her. all for what now? literally fucking nothing. none of the shit i did for her matters now. it's all in the past now. i guess nothing i ever did for her was enough. hell maybe i wasn't enough for her. maybe that's why she left me for him. i want the old y/n back. all i can do is just picture her body with somebody else. that fucking green haired joker ass looking boy and y/n is all i can fucking picture right now. i snap out of my thoughts and drive to anywhere that's near. then i see a sign to a place that seems like a good idea to go to.
i don't want your body, i don't want your body
i don't want your body, i don't want your body
i don't want your body, i don't want your body
the strip club is where i head into. where's a better place to go to when you just got broken up with, beaten up by the jokers twin, and are currently drunk as shit. no where but the strip club. maybe this will get my mind off of y/n and the jokers twin also known as y/ns new boy toy. i walk in to the strip club most of the club was dark. i saw a few strippers on the pole. i just simply smile at them and head on over to the bar that's in the strip club. i sit down and order a few drinks. also so far there's no sign of y/n or her joker looking boyfriend. this night has been nothing but shitty.
get someone you love?
get someone you need?
fuck that, get money
i can't give you soul 'cause we're never alone
get someone you love?
get someone you need?
fuck that, get money
i can't give you soul 'cause we're never alone
get someone you love?
get someone you need?
fuck that, get money
i can't give you soul 'cause we're never alone
get someone you love?
get someone you need?
fuck that, get money
i can't give you soul 'cause we're never alone
this stripper comes up to me and starts touching me. i honestly didn't feel anything. i just feel numb. she offered to buy me a drink and i didn't deny. i could use a free drink tonight. hell it's probably the best thing that happened to me all night. just all i've learned tonight is that fuck love fuck what you need in someone. don't worry about finding a lover just get fucking money. money will get you places in life. money won't disappoint you ever. the drinks come and i quickly chug mine down. if the stripper did drug it oh well. it's probably for the best because i feel hella dizzy. she starts giving me a lap dance but as i said earlier i just feel numb. i don't feel anything the only person i ever did feel something for would be sadly y/n. we saw how that went. i'm just so fucking down with everything. i end up getting out of the strip club. that place just ain't for me. i end up going back to me and ethan's house. i opened the door to the house. i drag myself to bed and someone comes into the room. it's no one other than ethan.
" yooo gray you look like shit. what happened?."
i shake my head into my pillow and say.
" thanks e but i'm drunk and i also got broken up with. hell even better i got beat up by y/ns new boy toy."
" shit gray i'm sorry."
ethan says as he pats my back. ethan offers.
" do you need anything?"
i say.
" no ethan, i just want to rest for a little."
ethan gets up and says.
" okay gray well if you need anything just tell me bup."
i simply say.
" okay e."
i'm guessing ethan walked out of the room. i soon feel my eyes drift to sleep. soon i opened my eyes up and noticed it's already day again. i squint my eyes as i look at the sun.
" shit it's so fucking bright."
i say as i rubbed my eyes. i get out of bed and do my morning routine. i take some medicine to help me with my hangover. i go to the living room and see that emma and ethan are talking to each other.
" there he is."
ethan says. i say.
" were you guys talking about me?"
emma nods and says.
" nothing bad we just want to take you somewhere to cheer you up. i know what happened gray and i'm sorry about it."
i simply say.
" it's okay but where are we going."
ethan says.
" it's a surprise just wear something causal."
i respond with a simple.
" okay "
as i walk back to my room to change. i come out of the room with my clothes on and leave with emma and e.
" we're here."
emma yells.
i smile because we're at in-n-out which is one of my favorite places to eat. we all get out of the car and head in. we all order and sit down at a table. i was just talking with emma and e when i noticed some familiar faces. some faces that i'll never forget. i guess ethan notices because he says.
" yooo gray what's wrong?"
i simply respond with.
" look over there."
he sees what i see and says.
" gray you'll be fine just don't look over there."
emma catches on to what i was looking at because she says.
" gray they're not worth your time. just ignore them."
i simply nod but inside i'm hurt. what i'm looking at is y/n, the jokers twin, and one of his gang members probably.
i don't want your body
but i hate to think about you with
somebody else
our love has gone cold
you're intertwining your soul with
somebody else
i just keep looking at y/n. it's just so unreal to me what all happened last night. me and y/n make eye contact yet again. she just looks at me and not to my fucking surprise her joker looking boyfriend notices. he simply gives me a death glare and i send one right back at him. the fuck he's gonna do? i'm fully sober right now and can fight for myself. i roll my eyes and look away. a little later i see y/n and him holding hands. i can't believe our love has gone cold and now she's intertwining her soul with somebody else. i snap out of my thoughts by emma and ethan saying my name.
" we were talking to you. were you paying attention?"
ethan says.
" sorry guys i just can't seem to focus right now."
i respond.
" it's okay."
emma says. we all start taking to one another. i still send a few looks towards y/n and her green haired joker of a boyfriend.
i'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone
and then leaving with somebody else
no, i don't want your body
but i'm picturing your body with somebody else
i soon get stuck in my thoughts as i think and get flashbacks of me and y/n. every time i would be looking through her and she would be looking through her phone and then leaving with somebody else. did she ever love me? what does he have that i don't? i just want fucking answers that's all i want. i snap back into reality and continue the conversation with ethan and emma. it's been what feels like a long time but i'n still her at in-n-out with e and emma. y/n and the jokers twin is still here too. it's just ugh this whole situation got me so fucking fucked up. i did everything for her but she just leaves me like nothing. what the fuck? what did i do wrong? where did i go wrong? i just don't want love with anyone ever again. i glance over at y/n and her joker green haired boy toy as i do y/n and him kiss. my heart shatters. i could literally hear my heart break into a million pieces. i feel something wet go down my cheek and it's a tear. i quickly wipe it away so i don't seem like a little bitch. no i don't want y/n's body but i'm picturing her body with somebody else...

( a/n soOoOo um this imagine features the new person i stan. he's 22 also his zodiac sign is a Taurus. he's birthday is April 22nd. i think he lives in California? but all i know is that he's moving to texas in 2 ish months. he also has green hair. okay besides the point i'm not back it just felt right to write this chapter because it's kinda the situation that's happening right now. sOooOo um i still stan grayson but you know you can always support multiple people so i support gray and this other boy. if you know who the other person i stan besides gray is i like literally love you the most and you're my favorite. anyway um life's been pretty good so that's all for now ily :)

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