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( a/n h o e s m a d a l s o i d o n ' t k n o w w h e r e i w a s g o i n g w i t h t h i s )
am i the most happiest with what my life has came to? no not at all but it is what it is at this point. there's nothing i can really do to change how my life is. my job is being a stripper. yes i never in a million years thought my life would come to this but it's has. nothing's wrong with being a stripper. you have to make coin one way or another but it's just i never pictured myself to be one. i get paid pretty good to be honest. it's just dealing with creepy and weird people is the bad part of the job. the club where i work out it has high security so nothing big and bad happens. i got a request for a private party. if you don't know what that is well it's a like one on one type thing. it's where i take this person who requested for the private party to a back room where it's private hence the word private party. anyway i just basically do my thing for one person in private. most of the the time i always do the private party's because i get more coin that way. so i agree to do this private party. time comes around to begin this private party so i start getting ready. i apply my make up. then i get on the outfit i'm suppose to wear for this thing. i'm all up and ready for this private party when i get an update about this party thing. my boss text me that the person who wants this private party wanted it at their house. now this is different i never done a private party at someone's house. if i have it's been with other girls with me. i never go to someone's house alone. this whole ordeal got me fucked up and not in a good way. i think for a minute if i do this private party. i could possibly get kidnapped or murdered. my luck something definitely will go wrong. anything that can go wrong will go wrong i just know it. i decide to do it the person who wants this private party is offering a hella amount of money so imma take it obviously. i tell my boss that i'm agreeing to do this private party. i'm still currently in my dressing room so i put a cute and simple outfit over my stripper clothes because this outfit they chose for me to wear is hella revealing. i get in my car and head on over to this location where this person wants the private party at. i start getting a bad feeling in my stomach. who the hell let me do this? something's wrong with me. i could get murdered literally i could fucking be died all due to this private party. worse i could get fucking kidnapped and never see the light of day again. i'm already regretting this so much. lord i know i've already sinned so much but please help me through this situation. i want to see light and day again. please be by my side through this. i pull up to the location and i'm instantly in shock. there's no fucking way that i'm actually at the dolan twins house. wait does that mean i'm going to be stripping for them? wait hold up bitch i can't process this shit right now. i just am i even at the right location? i look at my phone to see the location my boss sent me and um sadly it's the right location. i'm just not able to process this. i don't think i'll ever be able to process this. i'm literally the definition of shook right now. i just this has to be a mistake so i text my boss. sure enough it's not a fucking mistake. i just i'm flabbergasted. i just damn i'm not okay right now. i mentally prepare myself in the car and give myself a pep talk about how this is going to be okay. i'll be okay strip and get a lot of money. what could possibly go wrong. although i notice that grayson cars are here but ethan's car isn't here. umm that just seems kinda sketchy to me. how do i know who's car is who's? it's because not going to lie. i'm a fan of them but not like a crazy fan that would go to every extent to have them as mine or something like that. hell i don't even care if they post a girl on their story or hang out with. it's really not my business nor do i really care because there's no way in hell that i would be able to date one of them. they're too good for me and lord knows i would get attached if the fandom found out that i was dating if one them. hell even worse if i did start dating one of them and the fandom found out i was a stripper. i would literally never hear the end of it and i would get hella hate. so let's try to just do our job get in and out quickly and hopefully nothing escalates. i think the pep talk i gave myself was pretty good so i'm finally ready to get this started. i get out of my car and grab my things and walk up to the front door of the house. i'm beyond nervous but i knock on the door. i wait patiently for the door to be opened and soon enough it opened and not to my surprise grayson opened the door. also forgot to mention me and gray use to be friends like back in the day and i'm guessing he probably doesn't know i'm a stripper. this is going to be awkward. i hear his hoarse voice say.
" hey, it's been a long time since i last saw you."
i lightly chuckle and say.
" yeah."
he clears his throat and says.
" not that i don't want your company but what are you doing here?"
i immediately feel a sick feeling in my stomach. i laugh nervously before saying.
" what do you mean? didn't you like order me here?"
gray looks token back by my question. shit this isn't going to end well i already know it. gray looks confused before he says.
" what do you mean "order me here"?"
oh shit he doesn't know i'm a stripper. my question is how the fuck did order me here then? i lightly smile before saying.
" umm well grayson i'm a stripper."
gray's jaw dropped. smh i knew shit wouldn't go well. i'm starting to get uncomfortable tbh he's probably judging me about being one so i want to leave.
" since you probably don't want me around since you know what my job is i'm just going to leave. you can keep the money."
i start walking back to my car as i hear gray say.
" wait come back. i never said i didn't want you around i'm just a little shocked that your a umm."
i shake my head before saying.
" stripper grayson. i'm a stripper. i have to make money one way or another so that's how i make money."
grayson responds with.
" yeah and that's cool."
i roll my eyes before saying.
" really grayson? cool? not everyone is rich by looks like you are. okay? not everyone can be a fuckboy on the internet and make money off of being one."
i instantly regret saying that. i walk up to gray as he scoffs and shakes his head. i can tell he's hurt the one thing he hates being called is a fuckboy. i know i hurt him fuck and i regret it. i can't help but look at him with sympathetic eyes. i clear my throat before saying.
" grayson, i'm sorry for saying that. i didn't mean it. it was out of anger. you're not a fuckboy. you're an amazing person. i was just upset because i thought you were judging me for being a-"
grayson cut me off by kissing me. before he pulls away and says.
" stripper. it's okay that you're a stripper. you have to make money one way or another. i'm not judging you."
i'm still token back by that kiss. i just what was that for?
" you should probably come in the house."
i step inside their house and it's a very nice house may i add. grayson closes the door behind me and walks me to his room. he shuts his room door with me and him inside it which makes me a little nervous. not gonna lie he's not. he's like a literal sex god. besides the point idk what's he's doing or anything that happening really. i sat on the opposite side of grayson on his bed. i break the silence by saying.
" so what are we going to do?"
he looks at me and says.
" i don't know really? by chance did you already get the money?"
i nod my head yes. he sighs before saying.
" well we need to figure out who sent you here."
i say.
" okay."
i'm honestly sad. he's just going to act like nothing happened? boys will be boys smh. i soon was interrupted out of my thoughts by gray saying.
" i'm going to call ethan. i have a feeling he did this."
grayson exits the room to make the phone call to ethan. it was a while before gray came back. i was just on my phone waiting for this shit to be over. gray comes back into the room madder than ever. i nervously chuckle before saying.
" you good gray?"
he looks at me. his eyes honestly don't look the same. now they're more filled with anger and madness.
" no i'm not okay. ethan fucking ordered you hear because he thought " i could use some"."
he sits down in bed and runs his hands through his hands before saying.
" god ethan is suck a fucking idiot."
i don't know what to say. i've honestly never seen him this mad. i might say the wrong thing and accidentally make him madder. i ask.
" sooo do you want me to leave or?"
gray looks at me and rolls his eyes. he stands up before saying.
" i don't know. do whatever you want."
i simply nod because he's literally acting like a dick to me for no reason. i did nothing wrong. smh. i get up and leave his room to go back to my work place. i place my hand on the knob of the front door as i feel someone's presence behind me. i turned around and i'm faced with grayson chest because i'm quite short.
" umm gray whatcha doing?"
i ask. he simply kisses me which turns kinda heated.
" jump"
he says and i do as commanded. ehhh ethan order me here so might as well do my job...

( a/n ehhh i was feeling this one but not anymore. i got lazy towards the end and didn't know where to go with it so i just did whatever came to mind. anyway i've been very happy recently idk why? but i have. anywho bye ily <3 )

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