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Disclaimer: Total Drama does not belong to me only my OC, Nadia belongs to me. I created the avatar of Nadia using Charat.

This will eventually be Heather X OC X Alejandro when I get to World Tour but for now just enjoy the Heather X OC.

Image is Nadia's main outfit.



Name: Nadia

Likes: Playing pranks, Clever people, Adventures

Dislikes: Humorless people, Warm weather, Boredom

Known For: Her mischievous spirit and cheerful disposition

Why TDI?: She loves to challenge herself and try new things

Nadia was born with a weak melanin production that makes her have albinism. She doesn't let the fact that she looks different from others slow her down! Nadia is a bright and cheerful girl but she has a bad habit of causing chaos with her pranks and tricks. It's all in fun she swears! No matter that she once dyed her entire first grade class's hair white for making fun of her. Is getting harmless payback on one's bullies really so bad? She didn't think so. She absolutely hates having nothing to do so when she heard of Total Drama island, she jumped at the chance to audition. She's never been on TV before and thought it'd be a cool thing to try and if she wins she'd use the money to buy stuff to start her own business but she was okay with not winning she just wanted to have a fun experience!

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