The Acceptance Letter

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.

Image is my poor attempt at drawing Nadia in the Total Drama art style.




Congratulations on being accepted as a contestant on Total Drama Island! Get ready for the summer of a lifetime. Enclosed in this email is a link to the contract and some other documents you'll need to fill out for legal purposes. When you've completed those send them to this same email address. After you do that we will send you the pickup point information for you to be taken to the island. Make sure to pack for the beach. We look forward to seeing you on the island!

- Chris McLean and the Total Drama Team


Nadia read the email once, twice, thrice and it did not change. She was going to be on TV and was in the running for a 100, 000 dollar reward. She beamed to herself and jumped out of her desk chair and did a little happy twirl on her right foot as she raises her fists up in victory. She had to go tell her parents so she grabbed her laptop from her desk and ran out of her room.

"Mom, Dad!" she yelled as she then sprinted down the stairs with her laptop in her arms to the living room where her parents were watching the morning news.

"Nadia what are you so excited about at 8 o'clock in the in the morning?" Her dad asked in confusion as he stared at his daughter who was vibrating in her excitement.

"I was accepted! You're looking at a future TV star!" Nadia boasted to her parents as she showed them the email.

"That Drama show?" Her mom asked looking surprised as she read the email.

"Yes!" Nadia nodded.

"That's wonderful Nadia!" Her mom smiled.

"Yes you could use the reward money for college." her dad agreed as he clicked on the links to the legal documents and started looking over them, he wasn't a lawyer but he's dealt with contracts before as an architect.

Nadia made a face at her dad's comment, "I'm not going to use the money for something so boring!"

"Now Nadia don't be getting any foolish ideas." Her dad warned as he looked up from the laptop to give her a stern look.

"Oh Gregory don't spoil her fun." Her mom chastised her dad.

"You're supposed to be on my side." Her dad frowned at her mom.

"Of course I am but I'd also love it if my wonderful daughter with her reward money, bought me those earrings that I've had my eyes on, that you say is too expensive, well could I protest that?" Her mom asked with a cheeky grin.

"Mom/Anna." Nadia and her dad complained in unison.


After having her parents help her look over the legal documents she signed them and filled out what need to be filled out and emailed them back to the Total Drama people. She decided to call both her older siblings who were both away at different universities to tell them about the fact she was going to be on TV. She called her sister first, who was over in America studying at Berkeley for journalism.

"Hello?" Her sister asked.

"Tanya, hey!" Nadia greeted.

"Oh Nadia is something wrong? We talked yesterday." Tanya asked sounding concerned.

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