Portaging Across Boney Island

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.


Day Twenty-Two of Total Drama Island

"Legend has it that if you take anything off the island you'll be cursed forever!"  Chris warns in a spooky voice after he had explained what they were doing today.

Thunder strikes ominously even though it was a clear sunny day and Nadia shakes her head slightly when she notices an intern hiding off camera using a sheet of aluminum and waving it around to achieve the sound. Chris was so ridiculous.

"Cursed woo!" Owen cheers seemingly excited by the prospect.

Leshawna and a few others give him sharp looks. Huh, looks like Nadia has some superstitious teammates, she'll have to remember that for later.

"Okay dudes, pick your paddle partners only three max to a canoe." Chris continues in his normal tone.

Everyone heads over to the canoes for the challenge of the day. Expect for Beth who Nadia remember was still in the bathroom.

"Leshawna let's be partners." Nadia requests brightly she grabs Leshawna's arm and drags her over to one of the canoes.

"Sure, girl." Leshawna agrees sounding slightly surprised as she let herself be pulled.

They pass by Izzy and Nadia has been meaning to befriend that wild chick so she says, "Hey Izzy, you can ride with us too!"

"Really thanks Snowy, you know I have an awesome rowing technique because of I'm 1/87th Cherokee." Izzy informs her brightly as she back-flips into the canoe, "The tribe can claims me at any time!"

"Let's hope it's today." Leshawna mutters as she pushes the canoe into the water and she and Nadia climb in and go to wait at the starting point.


Heather frowns deeply when Nadia goes off with Leshawna and Izzy while Beth (who finally showed up) and Lindsey take Trent with them. Her alliance members all ditched her! All her other teammates had partners except for...Owen.

"Cool, we get to be partners Heather!" Owen exclaimed happily as he slung an arm over her shoulder and pulled her into a side hug.

Heather gagged when she got way too close to his smelly armpit and she elbowed him harshly in the face so he'd release her and then she ordered, "Don't touch me, Owen. I'm in charge so you better do as I say so we can pass this challenge."

Owen rubbed at his face with a slightly scared look and said, "Okay Heather, whatever you say."

"Good now put the canoe in the water." Heather demanded and she started putting on a life jacket.

"Yes, ma'am." Owen saluted as he quickly put on his own life jacket and pushed the canoe in the water when Heather got in to he started rocking the canoe towards the starting point while saying, "If this canoe's a-rockin' then don't come a-knockin'!"

Heather scowled darkly and hit him with her oar to shut up the laughing idiot.

"Ow that smarts!" Owen exclaimed.

"What did I say, Owen?" Heather asks irritably.

"Sorry, Heather." Owen pouts.


"I can't believe Nadia once again ditched me for Leshawna, Leshawna! She's being doing this for the past three days! She's not in an alliance with that loudmouthed loser!" Heather fumed with a furious scowl before she looked away from the camera with a huff and grumbles, "What's her problem?!"

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