Playa Des Losers

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.


Nadia leans her elbow on the boat ledge and rests her head in her palm. She sighs deeply her smile having fallen the moment the boat had taken off from the dock of shame. She had put on a look of flippancy and cheekiness to hide how she really felt but Heather's decision to vote her off still really upset her.

Nadia knew that Heather was a cutthroat person and if you crossed her or were in her way or were useless to her she'd get rid of you. A part of Nadia had thought, she had hoped really that she was an exception to Heather's methods. She supposed that was a naive, stupid hope to have.

She exhales sharply and then she just stared out at the ocean heading towards who knows where (Chef refused to say) and did her best to put Heather out of her mind.


"We're here," Chef announces awkwardly as he's been forced to watch her silently glowering for the entire trip.

Nadia raised her head and both her eyebrows shoot up when she looks up to see a resort that looked very similar to the resort Chris had originally advertised for Total Drama Island.

"Where am I?" she asks Chef.

"Playa Des Losers," Chef responds gruffly, "It's where the losers stay."

"Huh," Nadia comments in surprise, "Looks nice."

"Get off the boat, Nadia," Chef orders her in a flat tone.

"I'm going, I'm going," Nadia responds as she hops onto the dock with her bags.

Chef immediately drives the boat away presumably back toward the camp.

Nadia walked up the dock into the resort and she was directed by one of staff to one of the available rooms which gave her a gorgeous view of the forest. 

"So much nicer than the cabin," Nadia mutters.

She closes her door behind and drops her bags beside the bed. The day had been emotionally and physically draining so she fell face down on her bed and for once in her life she passed out immediately.


She is woken up the next morning by someone knocking on her door as they called her name. Nadia groaned and rolled over while pulling her pillow over her head. Yet the person persisted knocking and calling for her.

So she sighs irritably and jumps out of bed and goes to answer the door and she sees...Ezekiel. She's stunned briefly before she gathers her wits and brightly greets him, "Oh, hey Zeke, you look better."

"It took me over a week to recover," Ezekiel informs her bluntly.

"I'm sure being in this fancy place was nice for that, huh?" Nadia replies with a sheepish smile.

"I've been watching the episodes every night, the challenges get crazier and crazier every week, eh?" Ezekiel comments with an awkward smile.

"Yeah you lucked out, missing all that." Nadia laughs.

"But I really did want that money, Nadia," Ezekiel continues with a sigh.

"So did everyone else, Zeke," Nadia replies curtly as his comment unintentionally touches a nerve.

"But being famous has really worked out anyway!" He beams as he showed her his golden necklace with the letter Z as a pendant, "Check out my bling!"

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