Sleepless Shenanigans

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia. 



Day Four of Total Drama Island

Nadia winces slightly when a loud bullhorn cuts through the peaceful morning atmosphere. She had already been awake for two hours and was reading a book and eating an apple that she stole from the kitchens.

"It's 7 in the morning do I look like a farmer to you?!" Leshawna yells when she's woken up not looking pleased with Chris.

"It's too early." Lindsey whines.

"Stupid Chris." Gwen grumbles as she slowly starts getting ready.

"Got that right, girl." Leshawna agreed with Gwen.

Beth sat up from her bed and blinked blearily as everyone started getting ready for the day, she absentmindedly put on her glasses, "Don't worry guys, I'm sure we'll ace this challenge just like the last one!"

"We'd better." Heather muttered under her breath as she started brushing her long hair.

"Well I'm already set to go." Nadia announced to her teammates.

"How?" Gwen asked in disbelief.

"I've been up since 5:00 am. I don't sleep for long." Nadia shrugged a she hopped out of her bed and headed outside.

She saw Chris waiting and he raised an eyebrow at her, "How are you ready to go so quick?"

"I was already up. You can't ruin my morning Chris." Nadia remarked with a smirk.

He just gave her a disgruntled look obviously annoyed at that fact and then ignored her until everyone else finally arrived.

"Morning hope you all sleep well!" Chris says loudly just to be mean.

"Hi, Chris looking real buff in those shorts." Heather flirted, obviously trying to get on his good side.

"I know." Chris said smugly, "Okay, I hope your already because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute."

"Oh excuse me. I don't know if that's enough time for breakfast." Owen mentions sounding concerned.

"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake." Chris announces in a gleeful tone.

"Oh, so you're funny now. You know, what I think would be funny-" Eva starts to rant while walking over aggressively toward Chris which makes Duncan and Geoff move to restrain her.

"Eva try to control your temper." Courtney harshly whispers to Eva.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Eva asks Chris still aggressive.

"A little." Chris admits shamelessly, "You have thirty seconds."

Eva glares at him but slowly calms herself down and pulls away from the boys restraining her and walks away with her head turned away and her arms crossed.

Everyone else moves to get in a line ready to start running, Nadia doesn't bother she wasn't going to start off running just yet. She was going to pace herself and then run near the end. She thought it would be a good strategy.

"Okay runners on your mark, get set, go!" Chris instructs.

Everyone set off with Heather, Gwen, Harold, Sadie, and Katie all deciding to walk as well. Since Heather had helped her with her first prank on the island and seemed to appreciate Nadia's sense of humor, she decided to walk with her.

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