The Grand Prize

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.


Nadia and Heather had mutually agreed to support Owen for the finale. So now they walked side-by-side with their arms occasionally brushing as they headed over to the location where they would witness the Owen and Gwen showdown.

They could hear Chris announcing their arrival up ahead. "And now it's time to welcome the twenty-one campers who did not make it to the finals."

Every competitor that was voted off was here to see the finale.

"Hey guys!" Owen greets them all in a happy tone, "Good to see ya!"

"Would everyone who's walked the dock of shame and left camp on the boat of losers kindly take a seat in the peanut gallery of failure," Chris requests mockingly, "The side you choose should represent who you would like to cheer on to victory in today's final challenge.

Nadia sits down on the side of Owen supporters and Heather sits down beside her while she subconsciously adjusts her wig slightly.

"Nice rug," Gwen remarks sarcastically at Heather when she sees her.

"Oh shut it." Heather scowls.

Izzy who was seated behind Heather starts messing with Heather's wig which aggravates her and she turns around to glare at the redhead. She slaps away her hands and demands, "Stop touching my hair, crazy girl."

Nadia leans against Heather's arm and she playfully whispers, "Hey turn that frown upside down. Gwen's gonna lose, we've insured it, remember?"

Heather smirks in acknowledgement.


"Gwen is going down," Heather states smugly as she gazes into the camera before turning to look at Nadia who was seated beside her and playfully asking, "How do I know?"

Nadia holds up a chocolate bar laxative to the camera with a mischief smile.

"It's amazing how easy it is to tamper with baked goods." Heather marvels with a sadistic laugh.

"🎶Fast acting with strong reliable relief🎶," Heather and Nadia sing in a cheerful upbeat tone.

They high five each other and laugh at Gwen's future misfortune.

-End Confessional-

"Why is Heather smiling like that?" Gwen whispers to Owen.

"Maybe she loves her new hairdo or she could just be really happy for us?" Owen suggests.

"Wow, do you ever have a bad thought about anyone?" Gwen questions with a skeptical gaze.

Owen shrugs with a kind smile.

"Gwen, Owen this is your chance to tell the peanut gallery of failure what you would do with the money if you won and why you deserve it," Chris states.

"Well I guess I'm pretty proud of getting this far I mean maybe if I can survive here the rest of high school won't be so bad," Gwen responds.

Izzy starts cackling in the back at Gwen's response which earns her looks which make her cover her mouth and apologize.

"Well I'm always good for my word and I did promise to split my hundred grand with Owen but that would still leave me with a ton of cash," Gwen continues, "I guess I would go traveling and then to university to study art history."

"Woo," Leshawna cheers, "That's it, girlfriend has got some goals!"

"Very cool," Trent praises.

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