Deer Two, Hunter Zero

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.


Day Twenty-Five of Total Drama Island

The sound of a helicopter flying overhead makes Nadia look up from one of her books with a raised eyebrow and the other girls are all woken up from the sound.

Leshawna bangs her head against the top of her bed and groans, "Ugh, okay that dude is really starting to get on my last nerve!"

Heather yawns, "Oh, whatever he just loves ruining our mornings," She looks over at Beth and Lindsey and orders, "Beth, Lindsey go warm up the shower for me."

Beth and Lindsey trade looks and Heather narrows her eyes at them and continues her demands, "Do it now and remember..."

"Not too hot this time I know." Beth finishes with a sigh.

Nadia just shakes her head at Heather's bossiness and she is glad that she already used the bathroom earlier so she won't have to wait for Heather. The girl could take forever.


"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet!" Chris announces over the intercom and continues saying, "Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire pit."

Nadia starts to head over passing by the long line outside the bathroom when she hears Beth try to urge Heather to hurry up in that polite manner of hers. Heather just asks someone to come in and lotion her back. She sees all the other girls flee and Beth is left with the job.

Nadia pitied Beth, poor girl was too nice and Heather took such advantage of her. She wondered when Beth's limit of kindness would snap.


"Are you ready for today's extreme max impact challenge?!" Chris asks in a deepened voice while he flexed his muscles.

"We are ready!" Owen cheered.

Nadia just snorted softly at Chris theatrics and Owen's enthusiasm. Chris continued his explanation of today's challenge by throwing cans at everyone and thankfully Nadia caught hers.

Heather immediately started to protest, "No breakfast is crepes, croissants, or even Chef's crappy burnt eggs."

Owen of course wasn't bothered and starting singing a song about beans which earned him a can to the head via Heather.

"Today's challenge is about survival," Chris stated unbothered by the violence upon Owen, "We're going hunting!"

Chris held up a paintball gun which made Nadia grin darker as she recalls the games her used to play with her family, she always slayed them all. Since she's so good at being stealthy and all. Chris calls it paintball deer hunting though so she wonders what he has planned.

He gives them a chance to eat the canned beans before he explains but of course Owen eats them all, typical Owen.


"Now for the team breakdowns." Chris states as he takes a paintball gun from where it hung on the wheeled board and throws them at his chosen hunters. As well as giving them protective glasses, camel caps, and stating that Bass get blue paint and Gophers get orange paint.

Killer Bass Hunters: Harold, Geoff, and Bridgette.

Screaming Gopher Hunters: Leshawna, Beth, Owen, and Lindsey.

Nadia is incredibly disappointed to be declared a deer but unlike the others she doesn't mind wearing the antlers, red nose, or fluffy white tail. She thinks it makes her look cute. She more annoyed to have to wear the protective glasses over her regular glasses.

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