Not So Happy Campers Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama I only own my OC, Nadia.



Day One of Total Drama Island

When she arrived at the meeting place where the acceptance letter told her to wait where she'd be picked up by a boat and be taken to the resort; she noticed that she was the only one waiting and worried that she got the time wrong. Where were the other contestants?

She was about to go look around for someone to ask when she saw a yacht driving toward the sea port. A large black man wearing a chef's hat stuck his head out from what she assumed was the helm and gruffly asked, "Nadia?"

She nodded at him and he jerked his head toward the boat, "Get in." he ordered.

She did as told and they were off. The man did not attempt to speak to her again and she didn't engage him sensing that he didn't want to talk. She just watched the city vanish from the horizon until only the ocean remained. And her summer vacation truly begins.


Nadia saw that they were headed toward a large island which from what she could see had no resort. From what she saw on the application she was pretty sure the resort was huge and she'd be able to see it by now and she didn't. Nadia frowned in annoyance, McLean tricked her she should have known he's known to do stuff like that on his shows. She didn't stay mad long though, cause in his position she totally would have done the same. It was a good prank, respect McLean.

The boat pulled up to the dock and she heard a somewhat familiar voice say, "And our final contestant Nadia!"

Taking that as her cue, Nadia slung her backpack back over her shoulders and tightly gripped her duffel bag in her right hand and climbed off the boat with a dark-haired man who she recognized as Chris McLean helping her down.

She grinned and said, "Hi Chris! You fooled me, I thought it'd really be a resort. Great Hoax."

"At least someone appreciates my brilliance." he said smirking smugly at her before turning to address the other contestants, "Okay everyone to the end of the docks for promo pictures."

Nadia quickly passed her stuff over to an intern who took it to where everyone else stuff was on the beach for some reason. Nadia then went to sit between a brunette girl with freckles over her nose and a tan-skinned girl with pigtails. She hugged her knees to her chest so not to get in anyone's space and gave a bright smile at the camera.

Chris struggled with the camera for a bit with him accidentally leaving the lens cap on and having clear the full memory card finally Chris held up the camera and said, "Say Wawanakwa!"

"Wawan-Ahhhhh!" Everyone yelled as the dock broke under them and they fell in the water.

Chris who was still standing on the boat was laughing at their misfortune when he eventually composed himself he said, "Okay guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in 10."

Nadia surfaced and was the only one who laughed at the fact the dock collapsed under their combined weight or did Chris rig it? Nevertheless Nadia was already having a blast but then she noticed that the others were not, she looked behind herself and saw some of the other contestants and her gaze was drawn over to a big blonde guy who was wearily hanging on to a piece of the dock, a black girl who looked severely annoyed, an Asian girl who was loudly complaining about her hair getting wet, a girl with glasses who was trying to make sure that her glasses were still on her face, a round faced girl with pigtails who was yelling for someone named Katie, and a goth girl who was scowling darkly.

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