Chapter 2

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A/N the entire story is gonna be told from izukus POV and 3rd POV accept for a few instances :3 just wanted to let you guys know :P

        Izuku POV

                     I woke up and felt a warm pair of arms around me and I look up to find Kachan holding me... WAIT WHAT WHY IS HE IN MY ROOM AND BED
Kachan ruffled my hair "morning deku"
"Uhm Kachan.... why are you in my bed?? Or in my room for that matter?? I don't remember last night accept for a few things but I don't remember you coming here?"
He groaned as he stretched and looked down on me "well I'm assuming you don't remember because you probably drank before I came over. Well uh...."
"How did you know about my drinking!?"
"I looked in the mini fridge. And I know more than that.... I know about the cutting... speaking of that it's time to throw away those blades and get you to recovery girl"
I instinctively pushed him away when he talked about knowing about me cutting.... Wait he wants me to get them healed? And throw away the blades?
"What? Deku you need to get those healed"
"No you aren't taking my blades and I'm not getting healed."
Kachan wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug
"H-huh Kachan why are you hugging me?"
He whispered in my ear "it's time to let someone help you. The way you deal with everything is just hurting you more."

"No it's not I've gotten by fine for years!"
"How can you call this fine!? Look at yourself!"
I started to cry and he hugged me tighter.

"Please Izuku... I've hurt you so much just let me help you please"
I sighed and nodded. At least he doesn't know where my noose is and where my weed and stuff is.

Kachan smiles lightly down at me and I blushed
"I don't care if you drink... just the cutting has to stop. If you feel like you need to then come to me ok?"
I nodded
After about an hour of Kachan checking my room multiple times for more razors he took all of them out of my room to somewhere he wouldn't tell me because I would "look for them to cut again"
When he left I stayed in bed... why does he care so much... why is he helping me...
He knocked on the door so I let him in and he hugged me again.
"Kachan why are you hugging me so much?"
"Because I'm sorry.... I've hurt you so much for no reason other than to spite you..."

I sighed "you know I forgive you Kachan. You are always gonna be my hero"
Then I heard something I don't remember hearing since me and Kachan were kids. I heard him sniffle and lightly sob into my shoulder.
I smiled lightly and sat him down and sat with him
"Hey don't cry you big Pomeranian"
He chuckled and my heart skipped like 4 beats
"If I'm a Pomeranian then you're broccoli"
I rolled my eyes and laid down closing my eyes
Then Kachan wrapped his arms around my waist. Ugh I'm not a girllllll.
"Kachan you're holding me like I'm a girl!"
"Maybe if you're waist was bigger then I wouldn't do this."
Kachan is acting weird.
Then Kachan put his head in the crook of my neck and snuggled in.
Why is he being so nice? Is it so he can't feel guilty if I hurt myself again? Yes that sounds right....
"Stop mumbling nerd I wanna take a nap"
I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair without thinking about it but I don't think he cared much...

Am I falling for this blonde bully?

Katsuki Pov

   Why am I cuddling this nerd? He's so cute. Waitfuck no stop.

Don't tell me I'm falling for this nerd

Izuku Pov

After about half an hour I assumed Kachan was asleep so I tried to get up but he pulled me back down and nuzzled me
"Don't even try it nerd"
"But I have to go to the bathroom!"
He let me up and I bolted for the door and ran down to the bathroom.
I splashed water on my face. I can't fall for him. He hates me he's just being nice so he doesn't get blamed if I kill myself

I start mumbling and pulling at my hair in the bathroom when kirishima walked in
"Midoriya  stop it!"
He grabbed my arms and knocked me out of whatever I was thinking
"Dude what's wrong??"
I sighed "sorry I just couldn't sleep and got a really bad headache"
"Ok bro. Need some Advil or something?"
I nodded and he went to grab me some and when he came back in so did Kachan.

Kiri handed me the bottle and hugged me right in front of Kachan
"Midoriya if something is wrong you can talk to me. I'm your friend remember."
I lightly smiled and hugged back
"Thanks kiri. I'm really ok it was just a headache. If I need you I'll text you."

After that I let go of kiri and he let go of me. We both looked at Kachan and he was fuming.
I looked at kiri questioningly then shrugged and walked back to my room only to have Kachan follow me.

"Kachan you going to your room?"
"Nope I'm coming with you to yours."
"Cause I need to make sure you're safe"
I groaned. I'm not a kid. And this is just pity.
"You really don't. I'm fine. I'm not gonna kill myself. I can't leave my mom alone. And personally I think you're doing this because if I do kill myself you would feel bad and you don't wanna feel guilty. I don't need pity Katsuki."
I looked at him with a glare.

"Izuku.... you're wrong... but you'd hate me if I told you why I'm doing this!"
"Try me"
"Im being like this because I'm in love with you ok!? The thought of you dying or even being hurt makes my stomach churn and makes me feel like I'm going to throw up and my heart feels like it's being stabbed a million times!"

I looked at him shocked and ran to my room quickly locking the door. A few seconds later I could hear banging on the door and after a few minutes I heard him stop and sit down against the door.
"Izuku please. Please I'm sorry open the door. Please don't hate me." I sighed and opened the door and he fell back into my room.
I giggled and he blushed and stood up.

After what felt like hours of silence, actually only a few minutes, i spoke up.
"So.... wanna talk about it?"
I'm He shrugged and kept his eyes on the floor
"Kachan I don't hate you. I could never hate you"
Kachan smiled kindly at me. I haven't seen that smile in years.
"I-i think I like you too"
I instantly got tackled and kissed. I kissed back and when we broke the kiss I blushed wildly.

"K-Kachan that was my first kiss"
"Mine too zuku"
The rest of the night was spent talking about old times and laughing and playing video games
It was the first night in months that deku hadn't smoked or drank

Hope you enjoyed! :)

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