Chapter 8

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I hope you all appreciate dadzawa Bc he a tru kween 😤😤😤

Izuku POV
I woke up once we got to the dorms. I realized quickly that I still don't have any clothes.
"S-sho I need clothes...."
He thinks for a second before grabbing a big blanket from the ambulance and wrapping it around me.
"We can return it later."
I got up ,using the crutches that recovery girl required because of my ankle, and headed towards the dorms. Once inside I kept my eyes to the ground but suddenly heard sobbing. I looked up to see denki on the couch crying.
He looked at me and jumped up to come hug me. He hugged me lightly and helped me to my room as todoroki went to make me some chicken ramen and a drink to help with my strength. We got to my room.
"Denki I need some help... would you mind getting me some some sweatpants and one of my hoodies from my closet?"
"Of course"
He got up and grabbed the biggest hoodie he could find and the softest sweats. He helped me get dressed and then todoroki walked in and set down the food.
Denki gave me a hug and left so I could rest.
"I-I'm scared...."
He looked at me confused.
"W-what if they come back? A-and they could hurt you guys..."
"Trust me They aren't coming back anytime soon. They're all in jail..."
I nodded and sat in my bed.
"D-do you mind if I watch some tv?"
"It's your room, Izuku, you can do whatever you want"
I nodded and put on a random movie... I didn't really pay attention to it though.
"Cmon... eat something...." I pushed the plate away.
"I'm really not hungry."
He had been trying to get me to eat for the past fifteen minutes. He sighed and we heard a knock at the door. He opens it. My mother is there crying.
"I-is my baby really ok?"
He nodded and turned so she could see me. I smiled and waved.
She came over and squeezed me.
"Ouch mom! Easy!"
She loosened her grip and kissed my forehead.
After about an hour she headed home and as she walked out the door I saw kacchan and Aizawa waiting outside.
"Don't worry they aren't gonna interrogate you" I nodded and looked down.
Mr aizawa sat on the edge of the bed and hugged me lightly.
"Midoriya. How are your injuries?"
"Recovery girl healed all the burns but they're going to leave scars. Since she did the burns she couldn't get all the bruises and she couldn't heal my shoulder, arm, or leg completely."
He looked at me and smiled then hugged me and whispered in my ear.
"He's never going to hurt you again... not while I'm alive. I promise."
I started to cry and leaned into his hug.
"Thank you ,Sir"
"And from now on call me shouta"
"W-what? Are you sure?"
He nodded and got up.
"I hope to see you in the common room tomorrow. Everyone really wants to see you. Especially Toshi." I giggle and smile.
"You bet"
He smiled and left while telling todo to leave with him so me and kacchan could talk.
The room was silent for what felt like forever.
"Izuku... I..."
I looked up at him.... he was... in tears.
He fell to his knees next to my bed while crying.
"I'm so sorry! What happened with shitty hair wasn't kissing. I fell forward onto him! It was an accident. And after seeing how hurt you were... and you got taken.... I thought I'd never hear your voice again..."
I smile and use my 'better arm',the dislocated one, to reach and run my fingers through his hair.
"Kacchan.... it's ok.... I forgive you..."
He looked up at me then got up into the bed and laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held tightly onto me... it felt like he was holding on as if it was the last time he would ever hold me.
"I love you Izuku"
I blushed lightly and smiled.
"I love you too Katsuki"
My stomach growled,ruining the moment.
"Have you eaten?"
"N-no I'm not hungry.... just need to sleep."
He sighed and cuddled me as I laid down...
I felt horrible but kacchan somehow made me feel slightly better. I fell asleep quickly and was woken up maybe 4 hours later from the sound of people talking. I peeked out from under my blanket to see kacchan and sho having what looked like a heated arguement.
"You can't just hurt him then once he's gone and come back beg for forgiveness bakugo"
"I didn't mean to hurt him! It wasn't even a real kiss I just fucking tripped onto him and it looked like we were kissing!"
"Yea right. Good way to cover up you cheating on him"
"You have no idea what you're talking about icy hot"
"Whatever you say. But if you hurt him again you'll regret it"
"Is that a threat?"
" what if it is?"
I sat up and spoke up.
"Knock it off you two"
They looked at me surprised, mainly Bc they thought I was dead asleep.
"Sorry Midoriya..."
"Yea... sorry zuku"
I smiled at them.
"Come here you idiots. No more fighting. You don't have to worry about me todo. Kacchan won't hurt me again..."
I hugged todo and then hugged kacchan tighter and gave kacchan a kiss on the cheek.
"Izuku are you not hungry yet? I could make some more ramen"
I shook my head no. The league hadn't let me eat at all while I was there so my body adjusted. I can't just start eating a bunch again.
"You haven't eaten anything zuku... and it looks like they didn't feed you at all while they had you..."
I shrugged and stretched.
"Sho, thank you. For everything."
I smiled at him and he lightly smiled back then left.
I mumbled under my breath
"Ugh I just wanna smoke"
And once again my luck failed be because kacchan heard me.
"You smoke??"
"Uhh... well... yea"
He sighed and hugged me.
"I'm sorry"
"You've been apologizing a lot kacchan. Why?"
"Because I was one of the people who pushed you to do those things"
I smiled and kissed his forehead.
"You didn't mean it"
He smiled back at me.
"Now.... why don't you wanna eat?"
I looked down.
"My body has just adjusted to not eating..."
"But it seems like you don't want to eat"
"Cause I don't..."
He looked at me confused and held my hand.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
I nodded and explained how I've starved myself a couple times in middleschool so that's why my body quickly got used to not eating and surviving by the body fat I already had.
"Will you try to eat just a little?"
I nodded and he got up to go get me some food.
"When I come back you better not be drinking."
I nodded again and as soon as he left I got up and got out a pack of cigarettes I had in one of jacket pockets. I sat on my swivel chair and pushed it next to the window. Then I opened the window, lit the cigarette, and took a hit.
"It's been forever since I've been stressed enough to have an actual smoke."
Kacchan came in and set down the food and gave me 'the look'.
"Oh cmon you said no drinking not no smoking."
He sighed and I quickly finished my cig and swiveled over to him.
"How much do you think you can eat?"
"I can probably eat a lot I just don't have an appetite"
He nodded and held up a spoonful of katsudon and I ate it.
After about half an hour I ate everything and I was surprised I didn't throw up yet.
Time skip to next day brought to you by dadzawa

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