Chapter 10

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The next school year.

Izuku POV
School is about to start. After everything that happened last year I started to get better. I rarely cut. I do still smoke but not that much. And I don't drink unless at a party.
I can't wait to be back in school with all my friends. I was walking down the street to meet Uraraka for clothes shopping when I saw kacchan. I was about to say hi but then I saw this girl run up and hug him. He picked her up and smiled. Then kissed her forehead. My heart shattered. I walked directly past him and he didn't even notice me.
Was he not gay this whole time?? He never loved me I knew it. I was just a toy. Fuck I'm an idiot.

I walked to the mall and met Uraraka and broke down when I saw her.
"Deku! What's wrong!?"
"K-katsuki.... I saw him with a girl.... he kissed her...."
She growled angrily and hugged me tight.
"I'll kill him."
Her actions made me chuckle
"Calm down. The deku protection squad isn't needed for this. Put away your claws momma ochako"
We both giggled.
"You know what. Fuck him. Let's go shop to get my mind off of that ass"
We shopped around and found a ton of cute outfits and shoes and I got a new training outfit. I tend to train more in exercise clothes nowadays instead of my hero suit. Makes it easier.
While shopping we took funny and cute videos and posted them on our social media's.
"We should post you as single on my story!"
I shrugged and she took a cute video of me and posted it with
"He's single boys go get em! @smallmight2.0"
We laughed until kacchan started blowing up our phones.
"He's so annoying. Let's go find you a cute dress Uraraka!"
"Are you sure? I mean you are way too happy for someone who just found out they're being cheated on."
I shrugged and sat down on a bench.
"I mean I always had the thought in the back of my mind that he didn't actually wanna be with me. It actually feels good to be right."
"Didn't you love him?"
"Of course I did. I always have.... but can't dwell on what's happened. You have to move forward."
She smiled and we continued to shop, both of us muting katsukis calls and texts.
We got ice cream. Of course she got strawberry chocolate swirl and I got mint chocolate chip
"So deku. How's packing going?"
"Pretty good. I have nearly all my clothes packe accept the ones we just got and I need to pack my electronics and other stuff then I'll be done."
We chatted for a while and right after we finished our ice creams we heard a yell from across the food court.
I groaned and we both stood up as he ran over to us.
Panting he said
"Zuku what the hell is wrong? And why did round face post on her story that you're single."
"Cause I am. What's it to you katsuki?"
He froze.
"You're breaking up with me?"
I was about to talk but Uraraka jumped in, ready to maul the blonde.
I grabbed her and made her lighten our bags so I could carry them.
"What do you mean!? I never cheated on you"
Now was my time to bring out the claws.
"THEN WHO THE HELL WAS THAT DIRTY BLONDE GIRL YOU WERE KISSING IN FRONT OF THE COFFEE SHOP. You don't have to lie katsuki. Let's just end this peacefully."
He was in shock so I took the opportunity to walk away with Uraraka. We got into her car and she drove me home. I opened the door for her and we walked in, carrying all of my stuff.
"Mooom I'm ho-"
I looked and saw my mother on the ground. She wasn't moving or breathing. Uraraka tried to hold me back but I ran up to her and shook her and checked her pulse. She was cold. No pulse... no anything. My mom. The one person I could count on. Gone. I broke out in sobs as Uraraka called 911.
The police got there, asked me questions. And I watched as my mother got pulled into the ambulance. No sirens. No lights. No hope.
I pulled out my phone and called my moms best friend, Mitsuki. And I knew after the break up that just happened this was gonna be awkward but it had to happen.
She answered the phone on the second ring.
"lil zuku! You haven't called me in ages! What's up!"
My voice was hoarse and I was still sniffling and it was hard to breath.
"Izuku what's wrong? What's going on?"
"A-auntie m-my mum...: she's gone...."
"O-oh my god... Izuku stay right there we are on our way."
After 10 minutes mitsuki used her key to get in and found me curled up against Uraraka, sobbing, and Uraraka gently rubbing my back and running her fingers through my hair to soothe me. I stood up.
I ignored Masaru and katsuki behind her and ran to her. Hugging her as tightly as I could without using one for all.
"A-auntie she's gone.... I'm all alone now...."
"You aren't alone sweetie. We are right here."
We fell to the floor as she hugged me and ran her fingers through my hair.
"Don't fall asleep on me... there's other people you need to call..."
I nodded and stood up. I called the three next people I needed to. The three pro hero's who have helped me through everything since I've met them.
Firstly Shouta
Then Yagi
Then Night
They all arrived together and Shouta hugged me tightly.
"Don't worry Izuku. We are here"
I cried into his chest. We all sat down together and I sat in between auntie and Shouta.
They talked but I remained silent. I answered anything said to me with small nods and weak smiles.
"Zuku...." I looked up and it was kacchan.
"Right now really isn't the time katsuki."
Everyone stopped talking. They knew I never called him katsuki unless I was teasing him, mad at him, or pissed at everyone.
"Just come talk to me for a minute."
I sighed and he walked me to my room.
"Zuku that girl you saw me with wasn't a side chick it was my cousin from America. Her name is Olivia. You can ask my mom"
I flinched at the word mom and Looked to the floor
"Zuku im right here for you."
I broke down and hugged him tightly. He carried me to my bed and snuggled in with me. After I cried a bit he kissed my forehead.
"Try to sleep for me ok?"
I nodded and nuzzled into his chest.
"Love you zuku"
"Love you too kacchan"

Next morning

I woke up early and snuck out of kacchans arms and into the hallway. I went into the living room to find that everyone had stayed the night.
As a bit of a thank you I made a large breakfast bar consisting of waffles,pancakes, French toast, French toast roll ups, bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, breakfast sandwiches, and all types of juices and coffee.

The first one to wake up was kacchan. He ran out of my room with a worried look and when he saw me he calmed down. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind.
"You scared the shit out of me nerd"
"I just made breakfast. What're you scared of pancakes?"
I giggled and finished cooking with a surprisingly clingy kacchan attached to my back.
"Hey Pomeranian can you get off me for second?"
He groaned but obliged. Once he did I grabbed a pot and a meat tenderizer and hit them together.
Anyone who was on a couch fell off and the people on the floor were hit by those people. Everyone was up accept for yagi, who wasn't in the living room. I went to my moms bedroom and looked in. He was asleep with my moms picture in his arms.
They had gotten married recently... this must've hit him really hard.
I poked his cheek until he woke up.
"Yagi wake up before the food gets cold. There's omlets."
He instantly got up and raced to the kitchen.
I laughed and walked out. I wasn't particularly hungry so I just got a shower and dressed while everyone was eating. We have to go to the dorms today so I thought I'd bring the leftovers in and let them go at it aswell. There definitely was enough. When I came out everyone was looking at me worriedly.
To be honest I had just been cooking to get my mind off of mom... them staring at me didn't help so I ran back to my room and locked the door.

This is gonna be a long day....


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