Chapter 5

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I groaned and got changed into a cute black crop top and some camo shorts. I put on some fluffy socks and grabbed a couple blankets and pillows and met kacchan downstairs. He had went into his room and changed into grey sweatpants and a black tank top. He also brought down a longer shirt Incase he got cold. I set up our spot on the loveseat and stretched. Then I got a big realization. With the outfit I have on, everyone can see all of the hickeys accept the ones on my chest and shoulders.
I sigh and just deal with it because I'm super lazy. I spot shoto coming in and i run up to him with a smile

"Hey sho! Wanna sit near me and chat?"
He nodded but I noticed him look at my stomach and legs then at kacchan and glare at him. I sit down on kacchan and i's loveseat while sho set up on the couch next to us.
We chatted for a bit.

After everyone sat down I realized kacchan wasn't there. I looked into the kitchen and he looked really mad.
"Kacchan what's wrong?"
"Where. Is. Shitty. Hair."
"Sitting with denki?"
He stormed off and I chased him. He stopped in front of kiri.

Kiri jumped behind the couch as the whole room erupted in laughter.
"Bakubro! I'm sorry! Don't explode me I just took a shower!"
I laughed and sat down watching the two run around until kiri hid behind denki and kacchan got annoyed. He sat down with me and started playing with my hair. I got really uncomfortable because everyone was looking at us and whispering so I scooted over to the other side of the loveseat, so basically away from him.

He growled at them.
Uraraka smirked and giggled.
"You know it's not like we didn't hear you and deku last night. Not to mention his entire body being littered with hickeys and bite marks.
I blushed and hid under a blanket as kacchan smiled proudly, just happy that everyone knew I was his.
"I guess I'll go change...."
I attempted to get up but kacchan pulled me onto his lap.
"Not happening nerd."
"What whyyyyy"
"I like how you're dressed and if you change no one will be able to see what I worked so hard on"
I grumbled but still snuggled into him
Kami chimed in. "I've never seen bakugo smile so much. You're changing him for the better and you've only been together for like a day."
I smiled and nuzzled into kacchan.

After the first movie Mina gathered everyone in a circle.
"Ok truth or dare time!"
Kacchan groaned and I smiled.
Uraraka raised her hand "I wanna ask the first question!"
Oh no. I shuddered. She looked at me with pure fujoshi passion in her eyes.
"Deku truth or dare!"
"Uhm.... either way I'm fucked so dare. Mama didnt raise a bitch."
Everyone in the room went dead silent
"Did... Midoriya did you just swear?"
"Yea I did... I have before around you guys right?"
The whole room shook their heads.
"Oh damn sorry."
Kiri jokingly came over and picked me up
I laughed and kiri set me back down on kacchan.
"Ok then... deku time for your dare."
"Oh no"
"I dare you to..... hmmmm.... lick from bakugos waistband to his ear then whisper something."
I nearly spit out the Diet Coke I was drinking.
Kacchan smirked and I pulled off his shirt. I noticed everyone had their phones out but I just ignored it. I started at his v line and tried to make this as quick and painless as possible , but kacchan was enjoying my torture so I messed with him a little by slowing down on his abs. I quickly finished it and whispered
"Guess you cant do what you want to me all the time huh?~"
He growled aroused and I smirked sitting back down next to him.
"Now delete the videos and/or pictures you took" kacchan said idk why.
Everyone protested and they ended up winning the arguement. I dared kiri to give denki a hickey and kiri dared uraraka and tsu to make out.
Now I saw an evil look on tsu's face.
"Deku I dare you to spend the rest of the game in a maid costume"
Instantly all the girls in the room dragged me to the changing rooms and made me put on a costume
As we walked back I hid behind momo until all the girls sat down and I was stuck standing in front of the entire room in this really revlealing costume.

 "Deku I dare you to spend the rest of the game in a maid costume"Instantly all the girls in the room dragged me to the changing rooms and made me put on a costume As we walked back I hid behind momo until all the girls sat down and I was stuck st...

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"D-does it really have to be the rest of the game??"
Tsu gave me mercy and said only for 3 more people.
Kacchan pulled me next to him on the love seat. Then kacchan got a dare. It was the final dare in my maid torture.
I didn't even pay attention to what his dare was until he pinned me down.
"W-Wait what's happening why are you pinning me down???"
"I have to spell my name in hickeys on your stomach."
I groan then realize he's gonna have to pull up my dress.
"Let me change first!!!"
"Nope I'm getting this over with."
He pulled up the dress to be met with white lace underwear. And everyone could see. I was freaking out mentally. He quickly finished the dare and picked me up.
"Let's get you changed back into normal clothes." I smiled and nuzzled him and he mumbled
"So at least my dick won't break my pants"
I giggle and stretch.
He took me into the changing room and I found my clothes and changed into them.
"Leave the underwear on nerd."
I blushed and did so. Then we walked back and I was quite annoyed with how showing his name on my stomach was with my shirt so I kept pulling it down. The game had ended while I was changing and Mina made a rule at the beginning that at the end everyone has to answer one question. I sat on the couch with kacchan and snuggled in. When it got to my question kiri asked me.
"Have you guys fucked yet?"
I blushed wildly.
"N-no we haven't."
Next up was kacchans question.
Todoroki asked him
"How good is Midoriya at blowjobs"
I literally spit out my water
"Don't know haven't gotten one."
I kept my eyes at the ground as the whole room looked at me confused.
"Wait then what have you guys done?"
"Its a fantastic experience called nunya beezwax"
I giggled and high fives kacchan.
"Wait a second.... that means bakugo has done with Midoriya without expecting something back. So manly bro!"
I look at the ground feeling kinda guilty... I guess he never really got anything out of what we did. I didn't think of that... shit I'm so inconsiderate.
As I started letting my mind take over, Mina put on a horror movie and everyone got comfy. Kacchan shook me out of my thoughts.
He whispered
"Are you ok? You look.... upset?"
"Y-yea I'm fine."
He nuzzled into the crook of my neck.
"You know you can talk to me."
"I just wanna wait till we are alone... not tryna ruin the sleepover mood."
I smiled and snuggled into kacchans side. He kissed my forehead.
"Love you kacchan"
"Love you too zuku"
I smiled and nuzzled him and started to fall asleep. Then with a loud bang the door flung open. We all jumped, ready to fight. Only to find a deflated all might.
"Yagi!" I ran over and hugged him. He hugged me tightly.
"Damnit don't scare me like you did you little fucking broccoli ball!"
I smiled up at him and then he noticed all the hickeys and stuff.
Everyone laughed and I did to.
"Calm down toshi it's fine. Now how come it took you so long to get here?? Mr Aizawa said he sent you home but you didn't come as early as I expected." I told everyone to go back to the movie and took all might into the kitchen. He explained about the hero meeting and then we had a long talk about him being there for me.
I hugged him and waved him goodbye. I came back and laid down with kacchan. I nuzzled against his chest and quickly fell asleep.


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