Chapter 6

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When I woke up, all of the girls were taking pictures. I got really confused then realized that in our sleep we moved so I was on top of him and his arms were around my waist and his chin on top of my head.
I spot Uraraka and see she's taking a video, everyone still thinking I'm asleep. Then kacchan woke up.
"Can you extras fuck off?"
"Shit! He's awake! Scatter!"
Everyone ran off laughing and I looked up at kacchan.
"Don't be so harsh kacchan. This just means they're happy for us"
He shrugs and stretches then smirks at me.
"What're you smirking at?"
"The marks got darker"
I groaned.
"I'm changing into sweats and a hoodie"
He squished my face.
"Can I at least go attack some people to get them to delete the videos?"
"Fine. Get the gravity Bitch first she got a pic of your ass and I don't want anyone to get ahold of it."
I jumped up and raced towards where everyone ran(the basement)
I busted the door down
She squealed and hid behind tsu.
"Deku im sorry!"
"Give me your phone!"
She tosses it at me and I go through it, deleting all of the pictures where kacchan looked cute or my ass was in it.
"Done. Now the rest of you should be aware I'll kill you"
"Damn he has spent too much time with bakubro"
I laugh and wave them goodbye then bolt upstairs to try and get to my room before kacchan catches me. But as soon as I got into the elevator I heard.
The elevator closed right before he could get there and I went to my room and changed
As soon as I was changed I heard banging at my door and opened it.
"Deku! Why'd you change??"
"Cause I don't want everyone to see the hickeys! And you probably don't want everyone staring at me"
Kacchan groaned and flopped down on my bed.
I sighed and sat on the couch and put on a random show.
My thoughts started going crazy again.
I feel horrible. I was so selfish. Kacchan didn't even care about him feeling good. I'm such an idiot.
"You aren't an idiot zuku. Why would you say that?"
I guess I said the last part out loud
"It's nothing Kacchan."
He got up and sat next to me on the couch.
"You sure?"
I nodded and leaned on his shoulder.
"Ya know deku. I still don't have your number."
I handed him my phone and he put his number in and texted himself. While he was doing that I pulled out my bottle of fireball and chugged it before he could stop me.
"Zuku! Drop it!"
I set it down and wipe my face.
"Too late I finished it. And it's not like that's gonna effect me that much"
He groaned and hugged me.
"You're lucky I don't want you to know where my weed is or I'd be getting lit rn"
He sighed.
"Izuku... why do you do this?"
I turn my head confused.
"Drink and smoke? Why?"
I look away.
"It numbs me... and makes me feel calm... keeps me sane."
He nuzzled my shoulder and then kissed my cheek.
He gave me a bunch more kisses on my face before kissing my lips. We kiss for so long that he breaks it to pull me towards the bed and pull me on top of him. He tries to push up my hoodie but I stop him.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing... I just um... let's just kiss... is that ok?"
He shrugged and kissed me deeply. I kissed back and ran my fingers through his hair. He tried to reach his hands in my pants to grab my ass but I pulled his hands away.
"Zuku? Did I do something wrong last time?"
"Then why don't you wanna do anything?"
I kept quiet and tried to get off of him only to have him pull me back and sit up to hug me.
"Babe what's wrong?"
"I-i... feel guilty"
"Cause you do this stuff for me and never get any pleasure for yourself... so I thought we could just keep it slow. I'm sorry."
"Is this because of what shitty hair said?"
I nod slightly.
He sighed and kissed my forehead.
"You know I love you... I don't expect anything that you aren't ready for or don't want."
"I-I know... I just feel bad... I just wish I could do something but I'm scared to."
He smiled at me.
"You're so cute zuku. You know there is something you could do to make me happy without being too uncomfortable."
I looked at him confused.
"Give me hickeys."
I blushed and watched as he took off his shirt.
"A-are you sure kacchan... I don't think I'll be very good at it... I've never given one before"
Kacchan shrugged
"First time for everything. Give it a try."
I leaned down and sucked on his collarbone leaving a purple mark.
"I think I did it"
"Now do it as many times as you want"
I started doing it over and over again. He seemed to enjoy it because he gripped my hair gently every time I nibbled. Once I was done his neck and entire chest was covered.
"Sorry I got a little carried away..."
My phone rang and after I hung up I stood up and stretched.
"Kacchan, Denki wants me to come hang out and talk about him and kiri. I'll be back later."
I went to denkis room and we spent about an hour talking and laughing. We got hungry and went downstairs. When we walked into the kitchen we found.... Kacchan and Kiri kissing.
Me and denki were both on the bridge of tears. I went over and slapped both of them, grabbed food, and lead a crying denki to my room.
"H-how could they do this? Why?"
"I don't know..."
I held back my tears. He needed support more than I did. Him and kiri had been together since the first day of school. Me and kacchan had only been together for maybe a week.
I hugged denki.
"Midoriya how are you ok with this?"
"Trust me... I'm not... but you need more support than I do right now."
Suddenly we heard banging at the door. It was Kacchan and kiri. I picked up my phone and called kiri. He picked up.
"Can you just fuck off!? I'm not answering the door for you! And you screaming and pounding on my door is just making denki cry more! And tell Katsuki we are done!"
I hung up and the pounding on the door ceased.
I got a call from Kacchan.
"The hell do you want, Katsuki?!"
"Zuku, listen! It's isn't what you think!"
I finally snapped. I started bawling.
I hung up and blocked both of their numbers.
Denki didn't have the heart to so he just turned his phone off.
"Midoriya... thank you for being here for me... even though you're in pain too..."
"I'll be fine... I've been through worse."
I smiled at him and lead him to the couch. We put on a funny movie and he spent the night in my dorm. The next morning I woke up for class and denki was already gone. He texted me that he went to shower and change and that we can walk to class together. I got up then got showered and dressed. I didn't put on my tie cause I wasn't in the mood to deal with it, but I buttoned up my shirt all the way.
I didn't touch my hair and it was even more unruly than usual. Denki called me and told me to meet him in the lounge area so I grabbed my bag and walked into the hallway,locking my door behind me. To my amazing luck, Katsuki was leaving his room at the same time. I didn't even look at him as I walked to the elevator. I closed the doors before he could enter. And it seems my luck just keeps getting better cause kiri got on with me from the next floor down.
"Midoriya I'm glad I caught you, I reall-"
"Fuck off Kirishima"
"Just let me-"
"No. I thought you were my friend and you hurt denki. To be honest I don't give a fuck what happened to me. You hurt him and i will never forgive you. Now piss off"
The elevator opened on the bottom floor and I walked into the lounge and gave denki a hug.
"Both of those assholes tried to talk to me. If they talk to you ignore them ok?"
Denki nodded.
"No... I lost my appetite"
"Alright then let's head out."
As we walked out the doors I heard Katsuki yelling and I groaned.
This was gonna be a long day.



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