Chapter 4

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I woke up to kirishima shaking me
"Huh? What's going on?"
He sighed.
"Bakugo was flipping out looking for you so the entire class started to help. I just came back here and found you. Now... since I know most of what's going on. Wanna fill me in on the details?"
I explained what happened and felt really bad cause I'm just an idiot who overreacted over nothing.

"Well dude... I think you should try trusting him."
"He genuinely cares about you bro. If he didn't care about you he wouldn't be running around looking for you, terrified, wondering if you are ok."
"But nothing. We all care about you. Deeply. But for once. You need to care about your well being. And I know you'll get better with him. So maybe talk to him?"
"Fine. Tomorrow."
"I'll text him letting him know you're ok"
I nodded as kiri pulled out his phone and texted kacchan and everyone else. At this point they must know everything. I sighed and stood up.
"Wanna walk back with me?"
Kiri smiles kindly and nodded then we walked back in comfortable silence. When we got inside I got tackled by Uraraka.
"Deku! Are you ok!?"
"Yes I'm fine."
I smiled and hugged her.
"I'm just really tired. I'm gonna head to bed."
She helped me up and hugged me again.
"If you need to talk I'm here deku."
"I know"
I smiled and waved at her and quickly yelled that I was going to bed. To be honest I just wanted to get out of there before kacchan came back.
I got into the elevator just as I heard a loud slam of a door opening and yelling. I knew it was kacchan so I spammed the close door button only to see kacchan running towards the elevator. I prayed that he wouldn't make it but to my luck he stuck his arm in just in time to get in.
"Deku goddamnit"
He pushed open the doors and instead of yelling I was met with a tight hug. He held me by my shoulders and inspected me to make sure I wasn't hurt.
"Kacchan calm down I just fell asleep outside the back of the school."
He sighed and hugged me again.
"Don't scare me like that... please.."
I nodded and looked away from him.
He walked me to my room where we found me aizawa standing next to my door. As soon as he saw me he rushed over and hugged me. Kacchan and I were confused to say the least.
"Midoriya what the hell are you thinking!? You can't just run off like that and disappear for hours! Yagi nearly had a panic attack!!"
"Wait what!? Is he ok??"
"Yes I sent him home. He is gonna squeeze you to death tomorrow. Now would you like to talk to me about how you're doing mentally?"
"I-I guess..."
Aizawa sent kacchan into my room.
"Now Midoriya... Izuku. Slowly explain to me how you feel. And if you need to stop we can."
I nod and look at my shoes.
"Well... everyone always is so nice to me... but in the back of my head I think it's all pity... constantly words of bullies from middleschool circle my head and make me feel worse. I constantly feel like everyone hates me. And I hurt myself because I feel like... well like I deserve it..."
I kept my eyes to the ground with tears in my eyes. Aizawa hugged me again and the tears started to fall down my cheeks.
"Midoriya... you have to understand. You don't deserve that pain. And you aren't alone. No matter what you will have me and yagi and midnight. All the pro hero's you look up to care about you more than anything. Don't ever heasitate to come to any of us. Promise me?"
I nod and smile up at him. He takes my phone and puts his, all might, and midnights numbers in then sends me into my room.

I smile as I close the door behind me... it feels nice to let yourself trust someone. My smile soon faded into awkwardness as I realized kacchan was sitting on my bed, looking at me with soft concern.
"S-Sorry to keep you waiting k-kacchan"
"No problem.... can we talk?"
I nodded nervously and sat next to him. Not daring look in his direction. I glanced at his hands... he was trembling. I finally looked up at him to see that he was holding back tears.
"K-kacchan? What's wrong??"
He broke out in sobs and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry deku. I wish I could do more to help you. I've pushed you away for so many years. At first it was because I didn't want to be made fun of for being gay but it slowly was just because I was scared to admit what I really felt. I hurt you for so many years. I told you to kill yourself for fucks sake. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. Seeing you do that to yourself made me hate every fiber of my being. Please Izuku. Forgive me. Even though I don't deserve any forgiveness."
I smiled and pet the back of his head.
"Kacchan i was never mad. So there's nothing to be sorry for."
Kacchan looked me in the eye. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Zuku. I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
I held his cheek and wiped away his tears with my thumb.
"No crying. Unless they're happy tears I don't ever wanna see you cry." Kacchan hugged me tightly.
"We need to rebandage your arm before it gets infected."
I nodded and kacchan went to the bathroom and came back with the rubbing alcohol and bandages. He cleaned the cut and wrapped up my arm.
"I love you too..."
I keep my eyes on the ground. Fuck he just told me he loves me why am I so nervous.


Suddenly Kacchan pinned me down.
"K-Kacchan what are you doing!?"
He didn't answer, just kissed me deeply. He licked my lip asking for entrance. I denied because I wanted to talk but then he grabbed my ass making me gasp. He took the opportunity to search all of my mouth. I melted and gave in. I kissed back gently, tugging on Kacchans hair. He grunted and slid his hand up my shirt. He broke the kiss.
"How far do you want to go, Zuku?"
"U-uhm... not all the way... but pretty far."
Kacchan nodded and kissed my neck. I shuddered and I felt him smirk.
"Don't get cocky Kacchan."
"Oh and what if I do get cocky?"
He pinched my nipple gently which caused me to moan. I covered my mouth and blushed wildly. he moved my hand and smirked.
"Why do you seem so embarrassed? I could make you moan 10x louder than that."
He smirked again and continued kissing my neck and pinching my nipples. I moaned lightly, trying to hold back.
He leaned up and whispered lowly into my ear.
"Don't hold back. Let me hear sounds that you'll never let anyone accept me hear."
I shivered and looked up at him while biting my lip.
I jumped when I felt him reach into my pants and rubbed me slowly.
I smiled sweetly and reached down, grabbing his bulge in my hand roughly, causing him to grunt.
"Why do you get to have all the fun?"
I smirked at him. He immediately growled and tore off my shirt and pants, leaving me only in boxers.
"Ack! Kacchan calm down!"
"Well if you're gonna be cocky I'm gonna be rough."
"Fine I'll stop being cocky I promise."
I smiled up at him and he smiled back. He gently kissed me then kissed all over my face and then my neck. He gently nibbled my neck and collarbone and bit down on the crook of my neck. I moaned slightly loud. He continues down until he reached my nipple where he gently licked and sucked. I moaned his name.
(I'm literally dying writing this Bc it's so bad but like mamma ain't raise no bitch.)
He continued down and pulled down my boxers. I quickly covered myself.
"You don't need to be shy."
"W-What if you don't like what you see?"
"I assure you. I'm gonna love what I see"
He smirked and I moved my hands. He kissed down my stomach slowly till he reached my v line. He licked it gently. Then he gently licked the tip. I moaned loudly. He gently started to suck and lick. He continued to suck for a minute and after he reached up and pinched my nipple again. I came and he drank it. I covered my face.
"What's wrong?"
"I just feel weird"
"Is it a bad weird?"
"No." I smiled at him and he came up and kissed me on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and I quickly fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning to my alarm. I stretched and tried to get up only to be pulled back down by my angry blonde Pomeranian.
"Kacchan let me get up I need to shower before school."
He grunted and let me up. I put a towel around my waist and opened my door to head down.

Time skip after he's showered

I walked into my room and stretched. Kacchan was already up and playing on his phone. I took off my towel and started to get dressed. I felt eyes on me so I looked at Kacchan and he stared at me smirking.
"What're you staring at?"
"Take a look in the mirror"
I looked over at my body mirror only to find that I was covered from my neck to thighs in hickeys. I groaned.
"Mhm" he got up and stood behind me and put his chin on my shoulder and hands around my waist.
"It's to show everyone that you're mine and only mine."
"Does that mean I can call you my boyfriend?"
Kacchan smiles (holy shit why he only smile for the broccoli boi)
"Of course"
I smile and continue getting dressed. Once my uniform is on I sit down and wait to head to class. I heard Kacchan mumble
"Stupid uniform covering my good work."
I giggle and check my phone. I get a message in the class group chat

Class chat

Grumpy cat(Aizawa): classes are cancelled today due to an important hero meeting. Classes will resume tomorrow.


Broccoli:sure why not
Pinky: better save me some popcorn
Redshark: I call dibs on the bean bag!
Blastyboy: me and deku get the loveseat
Tapedispencer: damnit I wanted that!
Creator: I call dibs on the last mt dew

To be continued

What did I do? [Suicidal Deku x Bakugo][discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now