Chapter 2

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Myles P.O.V.

Today is surprisingly a new day. There is going to be a new girl that will be just like Zara. Annoying, overly done makeup, bad attitude, thirsty, etc.

I decided to wear a red shirt, black pants, and red vans. When I'm finished getting dressed, Cam knocks on the door and walks right in. "So, what do you think the new girl will be like? 5'2, big eyes, long legs, short hair?" I looked at Cam as if he is crazy. "I think the new girl will be just like Zara and all of the other girls in school. Just watch." Cam left my room laughing. I don't understand what was so funny about that.

I walk outside to the boys waiting for me in the car. When we get to school, everyone is calling our name and staring at us as usual. Everyone is trying to guess what the new girl will be like.

I walk straight to breakfast and once again, here comes Zara's annoying self. She looks so happy. "Why do you look so happy?" Kalin asks. Zara sits next to me and says, "The new girl, IS MY COUSIN!!!" Zara starts jumping around in excitement. I can't believe the new girl is Zara's cousin! She is definitely going to be like Zara, no doubt!

I start walking to 1st hour. Everyone is still trying to guess what the new girl will be like. Everyone should know what she will be like already. Mr. Gonzalez walks in. "Alright students. Today the new girl will be here in this school and she is having this 1st hour. She will be here in 5 minutes." Then, Zara starts bragging about her. I'm so tired of hearing about this new girl, so I'm going to put my head down.

5 seconds later a girl with long legs walks in. The entire class gasps. When I held my head up, I couldn't believe my eyes. She not a woman, she is a beautiful teenaged girl. She has less makeup on, long brown hair, sparkling brown eyes, and flawless skin. She is wearing a black crop top, black and white leggings, and black vans. She is so flawless. "Her name is Stephanie Ngauv. I hope you all like her!" Mr. Gonzalez said. Zara jumped out of her seat, ran to Stephanie, and gave her a big hug without letting go. I just don't understand how a beautiful girl like Stephanie is cousins with an annoying and ugly girl like Zara. When Zara let go, Stephanie walked to find a seat. But she was walking towards me! "Is this seat taken?" she asked in a soft voice. I said no and she sat next to me. She smells very good. She turns over to talk to me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "I'm Stephanie Ngauv, Zara's cousin. What's your name?" I sat up straight and cleared my throat. "Myles. Myles Parrish. Nice To Meet You!" I put a smile on her face and she shook my hand. Her teeth are perfectly white and her hands are incredibly soft!

She begins telling me things about herself. She is nothing like Zara.

Near the end of class, she asks to see my schedule. She is very pretty. She is the perfect height for me. I am like 3 inches taller than her. "OMG! We have all classes together! Now we can get to know more about each other more!" She jumps up and hugs me. I smile and hug her back. Then I see Zara staring and glaring at us. The bell rings and Stephanie and I walk to class together avoiding Zara the entire day. Stephanie and I have a lot in common. Same favorite color, favorite movie, favorite pizza topping and favorite shoe brand. We even have the same birthday.

Zara has been staring and glaring at us all day, but we don't care.

At the end of the day, Stephanie gives me her number. She gives me another hug, but this time she kisses me on the cheek and she told me that she likes me, a lot. "I feel the same way." I said. She smiled at me and she was going for another kiss but this time, on the lips. So I was going along with it.

Zara runs to us, stopping us from trying to kiss each other. "What are you doing Stephanie? Can't you see that Myles is mine?" She then slaps Stephanie, and tries to kiss me on the lips, but I pushed her away as fast as I could. Zara's face became red. Stephanie starts crying and I help her up, wiping her tears away.

Instead of riding home with the boys, I walk Stephanie home. "Ughhhhh! I hate Zara! Why did she ever have to be my cousin?!" Stephanie yells. She is crying even more and I can see the slap mark across her face. Zara is so dumb. Can't she see that I don't like her one bit?

When we get to Stephanie's house, she starts telling me about what Zara did to her when she was younger. I felt bad for her. "Stephanie, tonight can I take you out to dinner?" Her face immediately brightened up. "I would love to go to dinner with you tonight!" We both smiled at each other. "Okay, I will pick you up in 2 hours." I said. "Great! I will wear something really nice!" I kissed her on her forehead and hugged her for about 2 minutes. After that, I walked home to get ready.

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