Chapter 8

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Stephanie's P.O.V.

When I got to school, Mr. Gonzalez was standing on top of a table. "Alright students, Listen up!" he yells. "The week next week is the Homecoming Dance!!!" Everyone starts cheering and yelling. Mr. Gonzalez signals everyone to be quiet. "So we will have something called Spirit Week. You guys will vote for events to have like Hat Day or Pajama Day or Crazy Hair Day, it is all your choice." Then Mr. Gonzalez gave everyone tiny papers to vote on for next week. Everyone starts writing and talking and planning everything. Mr. Gonzalez signals everyone to be quiet again. "And the most exciting thing of all, is the Home-" Mr. Gonzalez was cut off by Zara, Dana, and Britney. "Next week is the Homecoming Dance!!!" they said at the same time. "So everyone needs to vote for a princess, prince, king, and queen, which everyone knows that it is going to be Me! Zara Alexis Marie Williams!" Dominic Wilson yelled out, "HEY! SHUT UP WITH YOUR COCKY SELF!" Everyone started booing Zara and throwing the voting papers at her. Mr. Gonzalez yells at everyone to stop and everyone immediately stops and gets quiet quick. "Everyone can pick who they want. You don't only have to pick Zara! So everyone get to class and don't forget to vote!" I walking to class and Myles comes to surprise me. He has chocolate, flowers, and a card. "Hey My Love!" he says making me smile. I give him a kiss and a big hug. "What is this for?" Myles smiles that cute smile and fixes his perfect poof. "This is for how much I love and appreciate you." I smile really big and gave him a big kiss. "Awwwww. Thank You Bae. I have to pay back with something even more special!" Myles nods his head no. "You don't have to do that. I already have everything perfect in my life now. My music, my fans, my friends and family. And most definitely, you."

I love Myles so much! I hope nothing will ever break us apart.

When we get to first hour, people are already voting for Homecoming King And Queen. Avery McAllister said, "I am picking you and Myles for Homecoming King And Queen!!!" Myles and I are surprised that everyone wants to pick us. Then Zara starts getting jealous again. Zara pulls me outside into the hallway. "Stop taking my spot for Homecoming Queen!" Zara is aiming to slap me but I grab her wrist quick. "Zara, there is no need to hate. It doesn't matter about who wins or loses. So you need to take a chill pill. Oh! And um... watch your wrist next time!" I walk back into class before the bell rings. When the bell rings, Zara is still in the hallway with balled up fists and a fiery red face. I think it's funny how hard she hates on people.

End of the day.........

5 minutes before the bell rings, the announcements come on. "Alright students! We got all the votes for Spirit Week! Here are the events:

Mon: Hat Day

Tues: Crazy Hair Day

Wed: PJ Day

Thurs: Twin Day

Fri: Mis-Match Day

"Have a good weekend!" The bell finally rings. Myles walks up to me. "Stephanie, I am going to get Chipotle before I go to your house. I'll get you something, promise." I kiss Myles and walk home.

When I get home, I start eating the chocolates. They taste really good. I will save some for Myles when he comes over. I open the card and read it. It is the song Myles wrote about me! I love it! I find a special place to put it so I won't lose it. But it is so good that I have to read it again!

When Myles comes over, we are the Chipotle and watched The Neighbors. When the movie is finished, Myles is knocked out. I laugh, kiss his forehead, and I fall asleep on his warm chest.

Next week is Homecoming Week. But will everything be okay or will it go wrong? Updating tomorrow!

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