Chapter 14

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Stephanie's P.O.V.

When I arrive at school with Myles, we stare at the TV screen. I have no idea what Kalin, Jake, and Dom were talking about last night. I was probably still half asleep, I don't know. "What is this all about? We have been standing here-" Myles was cut off by the TV screen. It is 7:45.

I see Britney staring into a huge mirror. Then some ugly old woman, whose so called name is Thelma, appears in the mirror and shows her to this man who is with his girlfriend eating dinner. I don't know how, but Britney pulls the man out of the mirror and puts the flash in his eyes. Then they begin having sex! Then the flash comes out of his eyes and he grabs his clothes and runs away.

Soon, everyone around the school is watching this video. They all are shocked! They gasped through out the whole video. Then Dom pulls a table and stands on it, now everyone is paying attention to Dom. "Britney is NOT a real person! She is a witch!" Every looks around and gasps. Soon, Britney, Dana, and Zara walk through. Everyone steps away from them. Dom jumps off of the table and comes face to face with Britney. Zara and Dana are looking at the TV screen and they are shocked. "Britney, you are a..... WITCH?" Dana screams out. Zara and Dana are holding on to each other stepping away from Britney. Her own 2 best friends are scared of her now. "How dare you expose me?!" Britney screams out. Then she slaps Dom. Dom turns back slowly and slaps her even harder. Britney falls to the ground in shock. "You idiot! You have every right to be exposed! Your crazy self is ruining everyone's relationships and I will not let that happen ANYMORE!!" Dom snatches her necklace off of her neck. She jumps back on top of the table while Britney is still on ground. "See this?!" Dom yells showing off the necklace. "This necklace represents how many guys she is supposed to seduce!! This necklace has 108 diamonds! 108 boys!" The crowd gasps and stares at Britney. Zara and Dana are crying for nothing. That's what they get for having a stupid friend. Myles looks shocked. People are asking him questions but he is too shocked to answer them. Dom jumps off of the table and walks back to Britney. She throws the necklace at her. Dom starts to walk away but Britney holds out her hand and Dom stops walking. Britney lifts up her hand which is lifting up Dom! Dom is thrown against the wall. I run to help her but Britney puts her power on me! I fall to the ground and now I can't get up! I can't feel any part of my body! "Myles help me, please!"

Myles P.O.V.

When Stephanie tries to help Dom, Britney puts her power on Stephanie and now she can't move anything. "Myles, help me, please" I run to help but the power goes on me too. But this time, she puts power to my head, and everything goes black.

Stephanie's P.O.V.

When Myles tries to help me, Britney puts her power to his head! He is on the ground and he won't get up! I start to cry. Britney jumps on top of me and starts punching me. I wish I could move to stop her but I can't. A couple seconds later, I see Zara ran over and punch Britney hard! Zara is beating Britney badly! Blood is getting everywhere! Soon, when they stop fighting, Zara runs over to Britney's necklace. "Zara! You Better-" Zara breaks her necklace. Britney turns into Thelma and then into liquid. I can move again. I see Dom and she looks just fine. The bell rings and everyone goes to class. But I am forgetting about one person, MYLES! Myles is still laying on the floor. He doesn't look too good. I run over to him and hold his head. "Myles! Wake up! Its over." But he doesn't wake up. I slap him, pinch him, and blast loud music in his ear, but he still doesn't wake up. I start crying again. I begin to pray. "God, please help me with Myles! I love him so much and I can't lose him! Myles is my life! I can't live without him! Please! I don't want him to die now." I tear up so much. My tears are falling on his handsome face. I put my head on his chest. I soon start to sleep.

7 HOURS Later.......

I wake up and look at Myles. He is breathing. "Myles? Myles? Myles, can you hear me?" One of Myles eyes open and then both open. A big smile appears on his face. "Stephanie!!" he yells out. "You are okay!!" He hugs and kisses all over me. It tickles a little. "I'm so happy you are okay! My life would have been horrible if you died!" Myles kisses my forehead. "I feel the exact same way."

A Couple Months Later......

Myles P.O.V.

At Graduation, I proposed to Stephanie. She screamed and kept yelling out yes. My life is perfect.

One Month Later......

Stephanie's P.O.V.

Myles and I are official!! I finally Mrs. Stephanie Parrish! Doesn't that sound cute?

4 years later..........

Myles and I live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We live in a huge house by the beach. Myles and I have 3 kids. 2 girls named Layla and Briana, and 1 boy named Blake. Layla and Briana are twins with long hair, brown eyes. Myles think that they look like me. Blake looks exactly like Myles. Brown eyes, cute smile, and they both have a nice poof!

I take the kids to have fun on the beach. We make s'mores and talk about movies and candy. The kids run and play more, except for Blake. "Mommy, can I have 3 bars of chocolate?" Myles and I laugh. "But you ate so much chocolate tonight! You are not full?" Blake nods his head no. I give him the rest of the chocolate and he runs off laughing. Myles and I begin to laugh at him because he made a mess all over himself.

Myles P.O.V.

When it was time to go in, we give the kids a bath. Then after that they fell asleep. Blake fell asleep in the middle of his bath, as usual. After I get them all dressed, we kissed them goodnight. Stephanie and I went into our bedroom. I put my arm around her and I think about us in high school. How much we have changed since then. They thing that I don't want to change is Stephanie. She is perfect. I don't ever want to hurt her or make her upset. My love for her gets bigger and bigger everyday. My life is going great. I don't want anything to change.

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