Ch. 7 A Brand New Day.

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It was currently 6 a.m. All the rest of the members began to get up and begin with their schedules. I didn't do so, I was still in bed. I felt horrible I didn't want to see anyone. My head hurt and my eyes felt like they were going to pop. I burried my face in my pillow as I stretched.

An hour later I decided to go down stairs. My legs started to shake, I felt really weak, I could barely stand. I saw the kitchen as I appeared from the dark hallway only to find Yoongi still eating breakfast. Yoongi almost jumped out of his seat. He flinched as he saw me appear from the dark hallway. "Dude! What the fuck!?" He exclaimed as he continued to eat.

"Are you okay? You look dead man." Yoongi asked concerned about my health. I walked over to the fridge as I brushed my hair out of my face, and sighed. "I'm okay... I just overslept." I placed my hands on the table allowing me to lean on it for support. Yoongi didn't mind my presence he kept on eating."Did the rest eat already?" I asked Yoongi as my stare went directly into his. Yoongi didn't speak he just noded to my question.

I couldn't tell were the rest where, so I made my attempt of asking Yoongi when he himself answered my question without even asking. "Lets go the rest are waiting for us in the dancing studio." Yoongi said as he took his plate to the dish washer.

After washing his plate and placing it to dry, he made his way to me to grab my hand and lead me to the studio. O didn't mind Yoongi's actions I was to tired to even responce to him, "You have to lighten up Jin, we are about to start our tour and I don't want you to get sick over all the practicing and weight loss." Yoongi stated before directing his gaze towards me. I knew Yoongi cared about me and a lot so I promised to him I would do it.

I would lighten up even though I couldn't do it, I would fake a smile to keep the fans and the memebers happy. I would do all of those things but, my true feelings will still be there. They will stick and stay with me. Forever. I knew I couldn't stay silent for that long. As soon as we entered the studio everyone was ready to start practicing. "Jin-hyung. Where were you? We have been waiting for you. And Yoongi." Taehyung asked before brushing his blue bangs off his face.

"Sorry guys, I overslept..." I replied as I got ready to practice and ignoring Namjoon's presence. "But it's a brand new day and I'm ready to practice." I continued to speak while doing my stretches. Hoseok didn't speak at all but, I did noticed something odd. Yoongi and Jimin greeted each other in a way Hoseok wasn't okay with, Hoseok and I talked a lot I knew what his feelings were I just didn't want to point it out because of Yoongi.

Hoseok and Jimin WERE close as well but, they stopped talking and this is where the argument between the three starts. Hoseok was aggressive at some point. He could be sweet and shit but, when you get on his bad he won't stop.

As soon as our first song came up, Yoongi and Jimin weren't paying attention to the events that were currently happening. The two were in love they were beginning to date at that time they were both so stupid and madly in love with each other and to Hoseok that was unfair. This young boy who got abandoned by his own mother had fallen in love with the elder. Jimin his friend who spend most of his life in a hospital with was aware of Hoseok's feelings for Yoongi.

"YAH!! Get your asses here and practice!" Hoseok snapped and hisses at both by yelling. Jimin stared in shock at Hoseok. Yoongi didn't mind he liked it when Hosoek got mad, Yoongi was used to people yelling at him and he liked being bossed around. Jimin on the other hand couldn't stand when people, specially Hoseok, would yell at him and boss him around like he was an object.

Yoongi got in position and Jimin made his way to Hoseok. "Hey I get that you're mad or frustrated but, that's no excuse to talk to me like that." Jimin said as he stared deeply into Hoseok's eyes. The rest of us were affraid to do something or even move. I felt that this wasn't going to end good. I knew Hoseok's options either walk away, or take this further to where no one wants it to go. If he picks the last one I knew Jimin would get very hurt, emotionally and physically.

"Jimin I don't want to talk about it, okay? Just leave me alone." Hoseok respond in an attempt to walk away but, before he could do that jimin interfered. He grabbed Hoseok wrist and pulled him towards him.

"No! We are going to talk about it since it has been bothering you since that fucking party." Jimin himself was throwing punches at Hoseok he knew he would be very hurt after this.

"Fine you wanna talk about lets talk about it. " Hoseok said without sentiment. He then tried his best to calm down. "So, what do you want to know?" Hoseok asked Jimin trying to tease the younger with his words. Jimin knew what Hoseok was doing but, he played along.

"Everything Hoseok, everything."

"Fine, I am not okay....with you and Yoongi dating. Like at all." Hoseok cleared his throat as he gave jimin a cold glare. Yoongi just stared at Hoseok waiting for the right moment for him to speak up. "And I think you know why. Why I am not okay with this whole shit." Hoseok stared deeply at Jimin.

"Hobi I don't know why you feel this w- "

"DON'T PLAY FUCKING DUMB PARK JIMIN!!" Hoseok spoke up and we didn't like it even Yoongi the coldest person in the world got scared. "You knew I had a crush on Yoongi for more than a year...but no, you didn't even bother to ask 'hey is it okay for me to fuck your crush?' Not even that."

"If it helps it was the other way around" Yoongi speaks up hesitantly
Namjoon and I both smoled at Yoongi's comment but the rest ignored it.

"I hate myself for being such a pussy and allowing you to make a move on the first person I loved in 8 years. Nice work Park Jimin, nice work." Hoseok continued. Tae got sick of it and started expressing his thoughts.

"Guys we need to stop the fighting. I know it has been a hard year. O can assure you it one of many bad years we will have as k-pop idols. We have struggled and struggles to get were we are now. We can't let our feeling get in the way of our career. We ahve all done things we regret in the past it probably too late to make up for them but the least you can do is seek forgiveness from the ones you've hurt." As Taehyung said those meaningful words I did notice Namjoon staring at me I knew what he was thinking about, I knew he was waiting for me to look up to him. The thing he didn't know was that I wasn't.

"If we keep up this fighting..." Taehyung continued, "and if we let our feelings get to us, one of us might end up committing suicide. We have to stay strong guys, we are not just a k-pop group....we are family."

Taehyung began to look around to all of us.

"Hoseok I'm really sorry I ignored your feelings.." Jimin said with tears in his eyes as he cleared his throught. "..But" jimin continued. "I'm not going to stop dating Yoongi. I really and truly love him. You could be okay with it or not but I don't care. I mean the way I feel about him."


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