Ch. 16. Love is not over

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The morning after, Seokjin woke up with a groan as he rubbed his eyes. when he woke up he hoped to see him by his side, but to his surprise Namjoon wasn't there. Seokjin felt that  he didn't matter for the first time in a very long time. He really missed the said male that always lingers around Seokjin's mind. All those preciouse times when they used to stay up all night talking about random stuff that made them both laugh, or how they practice alone almost everyday because both of them are slow learners and they were to afraid to bring the rest of the group behind. He even missed the little things; Namjoon flashing him a dimpled smile, Namjoon falling asleep in his shoulder, or even a 'Hello hyung, How are you today?' he really missed. Now that things are different Seokjin feels nothing than emptiness and guilt. After a while Seokjin was pulled away from his thoughts when someone knock on his door. "Come in~" he said softly as he snuggled close to his blanket covering up his naked body. "Hyung breakfast is ready" Jungkook said as he peeked his head inside the older room with a slight smile.
Jin just nodded to the other. As Jungkook left his room he sighed and stared at his ceiling feeling weak and empty, eventually he stood up and went into his closet getting some sweat pants and a hoodie assuming they had practice,which they did. Making his way downstairs, he was greeted by everyone they were all eating instant noodles since Jin didn't cook. To this he scoffed and chuckled.

"Let me make you guys a real breakfast, we are having practice and i don't want any of you guys complaining later on" he said in a soft tone if voice.


After a while the boys headed to practice all except a now silver haired male named Namjoon due to his so called wedding. They all practiced and practiced really hard. Some members complaining about Seokjin not getting the moves right but honestly, he couldn't care less he wasn't in the mood to be hearing complains. He wasn't feeling entirely well. He wasn't sick, but he sure felt out of his mind. Members panting and breathing heavily soon filled the practice room. Jin didn't even spare a glance nor a word to them he sat on the floor staring blankly at his white sneakers.

"Hyung are you okay?" Taehyung asked as he sat down beside the said male. Jin sighed and scratched his head not really wanting to answer fearing be might end up saying something stupid.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said in a dull tone as he stood up "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me" he said and with that he left leaving the other members confused and worried at once. Jin flopped on his bed, scrolling down his social media feed with a frown. There is no words to describe what he actually feels, but there is one word 'nothing'


It was 11pm when Jin out on some fancy clothes and attempted to sneak out of the apartment. He didn't make it to the front door when a light from the kitchen turned on revealing the silver haired male who once stole his heart.

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously

Jin sighed as he looked at the male in the eye and gave him a sarcastic smile "I'm going out" he said as he walked passed him. Namjoon grabbed the others wrist preventing him to leave. And the truth is that he didn't want the other to leave he was actually afraid about the fact that Jon has actually moved on and that if he went out he will probably hook up with some stranger.

"Namjoon what do you want?" He asked

"I dont want you to go"

"Well too bad im going" he said and pulled the others hand out of his wrist and walked out of the house leaving Namjoon in the kitchen alone with his thoughts.

Unfortunately Namjoon's fears became a reality once the blonde hair male stepped into a bar. Having the urge of getting drunk he order and order shots, one after the other until...

"hEyy~"Jin exclaimed once he felt a hand covering his shot glass preventing him to drink.

"You shouldn't drink anymore. I've been watching you drink as if there is no tomorrow" the mysterious male said

"FuKinG wEirDo~" Jin spat.

The other chuckled and looked down at Jin's features his handsome face, blush cheeks and a cute nose and plump pink lips. He just smiled fondly as he kept looking at the male

"I'm Jacob~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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