Ch8. Stigma

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Our world tour had officaly started, and we were on our way to do our sets of concerts in the U.S. We all practiced our asses off. The concerts back in Seoul were OK but, we couldn't fool ourselves and pretend we were happy when we clearly weren't. We did our best to not let our fans know because, then, they will worry.

We all basically did what we had to do on stage; Intro then Outro. That's all. We ourselves were not happy with the result of the Seoul concerts. That is yhe reason why we promised to do our best and lighten up a bit. At least to not make fans worried. Let me tell you, for some of the members that promise wasn't easy to keep. Most of us were losing our shit.

I'm talking about the packing and the deciding of things. All you would here from Taehyung was:

"WhEre iS mY gUcCi baG?!!"

THE FUCKING BAG WAS LITERALLY IN HIS KRUSTY HAND. But yeah, we were totally losing it and we hadn't gotten to the airport yet.


We made our way to the airport with no problems or mistakes at all.  Although I did notice something odd within the members. Namjoon and I were the last ones to get into he plane.   I entered the plane and found Jimin and Yoongi not sitting together which was odd because, they were dating. Instead I found Jimin sitting by himself and Yoongi sitting with Hoseok. Other than that everything was okay. I figured ' I'll asked Jimin later.

I made my way to my seat and places my luggage were it was meant to be placed at. I scooted down to the side of the window and fastened my seatbelt. As I pliced in me earphones and scrolled down Instagram I felt someone's presence. I didn't ignored as soon as I turned to look who it was I felt my heart drop.

It was Namjoon.

He didn't even ask he just too the seat next to mine as I looked at him with a confused look. "Sorry I have a tradition to maintain." Namjoon shot with a confident look. I cursed myself at the moment for that stupid tradition. When ever we did our tours our we flew out of the country Namjoon and I would always sit together I the plane because of our names:

Kim Namjoon & Kim Seokjin.


It was a long ride to the U.S so I had to distract myself. Looking out the window wasn't helping at all. I began to fidget my fingers nothing bothering me. It was quiet even Jungkook and Taehyung were quiet and believe the are loud AS FUCK. The only thing that could possibly bother me wasy demons. And they did. They began to ay with my mind as if it was a toy.
That's when my mind began to wonder: 'Should I forgive Namjoon' my mind was basically thinking nonsense. 'What if I do forgive him.' a heavy pressure on my right shoulder pulled away from my thoughts.

My eyes shifted to my shoulder oy to find, Namjoon sound asleep. That's when I felt that crappy-ass feeling again. It didn't feel good. It ran through my stomach and it made me feel nervous. I stared at Namjoon's perfect closed eyes and let the magic work. My heart started pounding faster and faster.

"Are you just gonna watch me sleep old man?" Namjoon spoke up eyes still shut and head still on my shoulder. The thing was I didn't notice how long I had been staring at him. It made me blush "W-What?! N-N-No.." and sttuder. Namjoon's lips curved into a smile. I turned away and rested my face I t he palm of my hand. Namjoon gently opened his eyes to see what I was doing. Then he leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear,

"Jin I am really sorry for everything I know I don't deserve you, your love, and affection. I am an absolute dick for hurting you. And I hate myself for ever making you feel bad. It hurts me just seeing you cry. I am not begging you for an apology or for you to take me back and be the way we used to be." Namjoon backed away and burried his yellow hoodie. I wasn't sure about my feelings for him. His words struck me and they lingered inside my head. Then I might have responded. I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek and quickly turned away to face the window. Namjoon' s cheeks blushed slightly by the action I made.


As  we arrived to the U.S everyone was ready to get the fuck out of there, especially me. The members began to exit the plane. As soon as I got up my seat I felt something tug my sleeve and pull me down causing me to fall back on my seat. To my surprise it was all Namjoon's actions. "Namjoon. What are you doing?" Namjoon looked deeply into my eyes and had a secure look. "I had to return the kiss.."  Namjoon said as a smirk made a way to his lips. "W-What are you tal-" I got cutt off by Namjoon's lips pressing against mine. "Okay let's get out of here." Namjoon said before grabbing his luggage and leaving. My thoughts got the best of me but, I shook away the thought and quickly followed behind.

I was the last to get off the damn plane. I saw how everyone else walked in pairs. All of them except Jimin he was left behind. He watched how Hoseok and Yoongi walk off. This was crushing his heart.

I did my best to walk pass Namjoon to make my way to Jimin. That when I dropped the question. "Jimin what's wrong with Yoongi? Why is he hanging out with Hoseok lately?" Jimin looked at me with sad eyes. He sighed and cleared his throat. "I guess no one told you. Yoongi and I broke up." My eyes widden as I saw Jimin brushing off his blonde hair from his face. "Why?" I asked. "Because Yoongi has feelings for Hoseok." Jimin said it with such tranquility. He didn't sttuder, he didn't have sad tone of voice, nothing.

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We were about to start our concert. We practiced and practiced. And we will do our best. Everyone was thinking positively. The staff began to tell us that it was time for the show.
Namjoon began to signal us all for a group chat.

"Let's make this concert unforgetable. Hands in." Namjoon said and plaved his hand in the center soon enough everyone followed along. "We are family and nothing will ever separate 7 brothers." Everyone qas smiling and we did our thing "Bang!".. Namjoon shouted "tan!" We all finished Namjoons sentence.

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