Chapter 4

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"Can I ask you something?" Luke said. I started to get really nervous. Was he gonna ask me out? Should I say yes if he does? "Uh s-sure" I nervously replied. "Who was that boy?" I'm so stupid, of course he wasn't gonna ask me. "Uhm.. his name is uh J-Jake" Should I tell him? I don't even trust him. "You don't have to tell me, it's okay" He said grabbing my hand and walking over to the couch. "Wait, no I wanna tell you" I don't even know what i'm saying but he said he liked me... Maybe he won't tell. We sat down onto the couch, I looked into his baby blue eyes. "Before I moved here, we were dating until one night he begged me to go to his friend's party. I told him over and over I didn't wanna go but he kept asking so I finally said yes and this kid that was there started hitting on me and h-he uh got mad and punched him over and over" I started crying and Luke pulled me into a hug, we stayed like that for a minute until I pulled away. "I told him to stop b-but he kept doing it, he k-killed him and that's why he went to jail and n-now he's here and h-he's after me, he's g-gonna kill me" I cried even more, this time I hugged him and cried into his chest. His hands moving up and down on my back calming me down. "H-he's gonna kill you" He saw Luke now he's gonna kill him and this is all my fault. "I have to go I have to leave you alone" I said getting up but he pulled me back. "Ash it's gonna be okay, he's not gonna hurt you. I promise, I won't even let him go near you. And if he is you let me know. Okay?" He said. "B-but what about you?" I said worried. "Don't worry about me, i'm gonna be okay." He said smiling. "I have you, I mean nothings better than the feeling of having you right beside me." He added. I kissed him. God I will never get used to the feeling of his lips. It's amazing at how perfect are lips fitted together. Then things started gettting heated so I pulled away. "Can I ask you s-something?" He said. "Yeah" I said simply. "Do you wanna like go on a u-uhm date w-with me?" He said scratching the back of his neck looking down. "I'd love too." I said smiling, then he kissed me until we heard "Aww" what was that? Me and Luke pulled away looking around us to see if anyone was there. Calum, Michael, and Ashton all came running to us "Were you watching us the whole time?" I asked embaressed, What if they heard about what happened with Jake? "No, just until we heard Luke ask you on a date" Ashton said smiling. "I ship you guys" Michael said. "So, this date?" Calum said smirking. I looked at Luke and he looked back at me, both of us smiling at each other. I wanna kiss him right now. "Kiss, kiss, kiss" Michael said smiling. I blushed so hard then Luke grabbed my face and kissed me, butterflies exploded my stomach. *Click Click* "That's going on twitter" Ashton said laughing. I pulled away smiling. "Ash do you have a twitter?" Michael asked. "Of course I do, dumbass" Ashton said rolling his eyes. "Not you idiot, Ashlynn" Michael said laughing. "Uh, yeah" I replied. "Follow us" Michael said. "Only if you follow me back" I said. "Deal" Michael said. I followed them then they all followed me back. I was on Luke's page and saw a tweet that read "I love singing with these guys" I just remember I never got to hear them play. "Can you guys play for me?" "YES" Calum said a little too excited. I laughed as we all followed Calum to his garage. Luke kissed my cheeck before I sat down and whispered "This is for you" And walked back to get his guitar and went up to his mic. 

Within a minute I was all packed up

I've got a ticket to another world

I don't wanna go

I don't wanna go

The silent words are hard to speak

When your thoughts are all I see

"Don't ever leave," she said to me

When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.

To the beat of our hearts at the same time.

So close but so far away.

(Can you hear me?)

She sleeps alone.

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