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Third person POV

Chloe's fists trembled with rage as she watched that stupid tomato head walk away from Marinette with a date. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her self down.

Why was she feeling like this? She was Chloe Bourgeois! She did not feel such weak emotions as love or desire.

But Queen Bee on the other hand, she was a free spirit. She could love whoever she wanted to.

She could love anyone in Paris, so why would she choose Marinette?

Chloe looked around and noticed that Nathaniel had received plenty of glares from all of his peers aswell as herself.

It seemed as though Marinette had plenty of admirers, this made Chloe purple with rage.

The blonde craned her neck to try and see who Marinette was talking to now.

Adrien Agreste. The bane of Chloe's existence. She let out a sigh of relief when Marinette walked away.

Chloe need to keep Marinette away from that monster.

Why was she so determined to keep Marinette away from Adrien?

Well of course the first reason that comes to mind is the fact that she wants Marinette all to herself, but that's not the real reason.

Adrien Agreste was a player, he leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him where ever he goes. Even Chloe was a victim.

Even the strongest among us crack. It's inventible. But she couldn't let Marinette have her heart broken too, no she wouldn't allow it.

A lightbulb went off in Chloe's head. She had an idea. A way to keep Marinette safe. From him. From Adrien.


"Alright," Chloe began as she clapped her hands together. "I've gathered you all here today because, well because I can tell how you all feel about Marinette."

Kim rolled his eyes. "I have no feelings towards-"

"Don't even try to deny it Kim I saw how you looked at Nathaniel after he got a date with her." Lila interrupted. Kim scoffed and tried to protest but Chloe spoke up.

"Look, I don't have time to sit here all day and listen to you deny your feelings, so are you gonna listen to what I have to say or not?" Kim silently nodded his head.

"Good." Chloe had a smug grin on her face. "I know that we don't all exactly like each other, but we need to agree on one thing. Adrien Agreste, can not touch her. He can't lay a finger on her. Hell, he shouldn't even be able to breathe on her!" The crowd shook their heads up and down violently.

"So, we need to protect her." She took a shaky breath to calm herself down. "From getting her heart broken."

"But, I'm assuming that you will all still going to chase after Marinette."

Once again every single person seated in front of Chloe shook their heads enthusiastically, except Nino, but of course he was loyal to Adrien.

"Okay then, may the best suitor win." Chloe spoke somewhat sourly to her audience.

"And may the odds be ever in your favour!" Kim said in a mocking tone clapping his hands together.

"Ok, so we will all meet back here same time tomorrow to discuss a game plan, cool?" Everyone agreed. And with that, the games had began.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was probably boring but don't worry, the next chapter will be super spicy 🥵 🌶

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