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"IM SO SORRY!" Alya sobbed into marinettes arms.

"For what?" Laughed Marinette pulling away.


Marinette deadpanned. "Alya it's been an hour."


Marinette chuckled and wiped here friends tears away.

"Let's just go to class." She sighed.



Alya and Luka have been acting weird today. Everyone had been weird today. People only ever come up and talk to me when Alya and Luka aren't around. And when people do try to talk to me they end up running away as soon as I do so much as smile.

Do they hate me? Are they trying to get me alone so they can make fun of me? This sucks.

At least I have Lila. She still won't talk to me with Alya and Luka around, I'm not sure why, but at least she doesn't run away red faced when actually try to have a conversation with her.

I can only think of one reason people would act like this... they're afraid of me. It's the only reasonable explanation. Why else would they literally run away from me red-faced? Why else would they stutter around me?

I guess I should work on being less intimidating. But how? What on earth am I doing wrong? I'll ask Lila, maybe she knows.



Marinette walked mindlessly through the halls. She had a study period and Alya and Luka had Spanish.

She had no friends in this period that she could hang out with. Her eyes scanned the halls for a familiar face until they landed on...

"Lila!" She yelled running over the the brunette squishing her in a bear hug. Lila's smile increased at the sight of her favourite person.

"Thank god you have a study period aswell, without you I would be sooo alone. Anyway I'm happy you're here."

Lila blushed and smiled to herself as the bluenette started to ramble.

"So I have a question for you...? Marinette trailed of, rubbing the fabric of her skirt nervously in between her fingers.

Lila's mind was racing with the possibilities of what could happen in the next few seconds.

"Does everyone hate me? I mean everyone just acts so weird around me and they always run away from me and-"

"Marinette breathe." Lila held the girl's shoulders trying to calm her down.

"No one hates you, trust me." She reassured.

"Then why do they act like that? What's wrong with me?!" Marinette eyes clouded with tears.

Lila pulled her in close, she couldn't stand seeing her cry.

"There is nothing wrong with you. Everyone in this school is a coward. And I was too. They don't hate you and they aren't afraid of you. They're just afraid of rejection. Not you. This is not your fault. Don't you worry your pretty little head."

Marinette let out a sad laugh.

"Thank you Lila, truly."


Sorry this was pretty short and I'm sick so I didn't want to write for to long so I can take a nap 😂
Thank you for reading!

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