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Marinette woke up, wrapped in chats arms and sighed contently. There was no where else in the world she would rather do be. Although she wanted to gaze upon his sleeping face, she held herself back knowing that keeping his identity secret was important to him.

"Chat wake up." She nudged him slightly.

"Five more minutes~" he groaned.

"Chat wake up, you're detransformed!" She urged.

He jumped off the couch and Marinette shoved her face into a pillow.

"I didn't look, don't worry." He let out a sigh of relief.

He quickly transformed and removed the pillow from her face.

"I'm sorry princess but I have to go. My family might be worried." He stuttered the last few words, knowing that his father wouldn't care.

He planted a swift yet soft goodbye kiss on her lips, right before jumping away on the rooftops.


Chat Noir ran across the streets of Paris, looking for a place to detransform after the latest akuma attack.

He sprinted into an alleyway as he let his transformation release.

Marinette stood in the opening of the alley in shock.

"Chat?" She whispered, her voice barley audible.

He turned around slowly recognising the voice.

"Marinette it's not what you think!" She backed away, her eyes beginning to well up.

She was trying so hard to say something, anything, but she kept choking on her words. She just stood there like an idiot.

He took a step closer. "Please, I can explain."

"I can't believe you! Was this your plan? To make me hate you as a civilian and then make me fall in love with a fake personality? To steal my first kiss and then break my heart? Well done Agreste. Your plan worked. Now stay the fuck away from me. I don't EVER want to see your face again."

She ran away, leaving him standing in her dust.

Her words were ringing in his ears. "Fall in love, fall in love, fall in love."

He'd done it. He had achieved his goal. His big plan worked. He'd broken her.

If that's what he wanted, then why did it feel so wrong.


Marinette ran to Alya's house, trying so hard to hold in her tears.

"Hey gurl! Are you ready to-" Alya's eyes landed on her best friends watering eyes.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, bringing the bluenette into a comforting hug.

"Hey let's go to school, ok?" She whispered while stroking Marinette's hair.
She nodded, pulling away slowly and wiping her eyes.

"Where's Luka?" Marinette whimpered, needing her other best friend around her.

He walked up behind her and grabbed her hand, not asking questions, just being there for her.


The trio walked into school, Marinette holding on to her best friends like her life depended on them.

She kept her head held high, to show Adrien that he couldn't get to her, even though the thought of what he did played inside her head on a loop.

Marinette was snapped out of her thoughts when her eyes collided with the emerald green ones she come to despise.

"Can I please talk to you." He glanced at Alya and Luka,

Alya growled, while Luka clenched his fists.

"It's okay guys, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." She reassured them.

She roughly grabbed Adrien's arm and yanked him down the hall.

"Go ahead. Talk." She impatiently tapped her foot.

"Look I started off wanting to hurt you, but then I fell in love with you. All those visits, they meant something to me. Didn't they mean something to you? If they did then you wouldn't be this angry." He reasoned.

"Are you fucking kidding me? So now I'm the bad guy?" Marinette was starting to develop an urge to knock his teeth out.

"Look all I'm saying is that you can't complete blame me-"

Marinette's fist connected with his jaw. She pulled back, her bruised fist covered in Adrien's blood.

"I don't ever want to see your lying, bratty face EVER again. I mean it. Fuck off Agreste." She practically spat on him.

She walked back over to Alya and Luka, and dragged them back out of the front doors.

"We're going back to mine." She told them.

"But what about school? It hasn't even started yet." Alya questioned.

Marinette and Luka glared at her.

"Let's go get ice cream?" Marinette have her a lazy smile and led the way back to hers.


"So, are you ready to tell us what happened?" Alya questioned.

"He just-," Marinette hesitated, she couldn't tell them the he was Chat Noir. Although she hated him, she would never expose his identity.

"He hurt me for the last time. I lost my temper." She muttered.

Alya squeezed her hand, backing down with the questions. Marinette winced.

"Girl! You must have hit him hard!" Alya examined her now black and blue hand.

"I'll go grab some ice from the store. Be back in 10." Luka said grabbing his keys.

"Wait we have ice here!" Marinette yelled in confusion.


"I'm back!" Luka called out, dropping his keys on Alya's table.

"Hey did you get ice..." Alya trailed off, seeing Luka standing there without ice, but instead a black eye and a bruised fist of his own.

"Oh my god! What happened!" Marinette exclaimed, rushing over.

"I paid Agreste a visit. Don't worry, I got in some good shots too." He said, holding up his fist as proof.

The girls couldn't help but laugh.

"Well. I guess we should get you some ice too." Alya sighed, throwing a bag of frozen peas at him.


"Hey Marinette!"

"Hey Kim, what's up?" Marinette asked, wondering why he had called her.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to come to the gym with me? It sound stupid but I saw your fight with Agreste and boxing is a great stress reliever and I just want to help but I understand if you don't want to come-"

"I would love to. I'll meet you there at 11." She said before hanging up.

Kim stared at his phone, smiling brightly before changing into his gym gear.


Hey! Sorry this chapter took so long but it was longer than usual so it took me a while to write. Plus writers block and school but I'm on break now so I should be updating a lot more frequently x

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