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Chat clambered through the window, too excited to be graceful.

"Princess!" she flinched at the nickname.

"What are you doing here Chat- Adrien." She whispered, barley audible, her eyes tired and sad.

"I came her to explain. To explain why I did, you know, the thing that I did?" He stated, his voice cracking slightly.

Marinette wrapped her arms around herself, as if she was trying to protect her self from getting hurt again.

She knew if she tried to talk, she would yell, cry or kiss him again. And she was too emotionally exhausted for all of the above, so she stayed silent.

Chat waited for the screaming. Or the yelling. Or even a slap. Or maybe a punch. He waited for her to tell him that she never wanted to see him again. That he was dead to her.

But he got was a nod. A small signal to start explaining himself. It wasn't much progress, but he would take anything he could get.

"Where do I start?"


"-and after my mother disappeared, my father started to abuse me. Not physically. But he always told me I wasn't good enough. He would tell me that I was 'To fat to be a model' or 'too stupid to get a real job'. It doesn't sound like much but he would tell me horrible things everyday and it got to a point where i just couldn't handle it. I felt like I had no one, and no one knew what I was going through. So I had to make everyone else feel like he made me feel. I wanted to hurt people so they would finally understand my pain. And that's why I tried to hurt you. I couldn't get close to you as Adrien because the second you saw me, you called me out on my bullshit. You wouldn't go near me. So I tried as Chat. But then I really got to know you. You made me happy. Just thinking about your smile made my heart melt. I didn't wanna hurt you anymore."

Adrien's eyes started to water and the lump in his throat grew bigger with every word.

"I love you Marinette." He paused, waiting for her to say something. But she was speechless.

"Please say something. Anything" he choked out.

"I know you had a horrible childhood, and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. But you had no right to treat me like that. Nobody deserves that."

Although the anger in her words was overwhelming, chat could still sense her sadness.

"Please let me make it up to you."


I know it short and I'm sorry! I just felt like this part needed to be on its own and not with the rest of the drama lol. Also I'm so sorry for taking forever to update! I've had writers block and have been super stuck but I hoped you liked this chapter and please vote to let my know that you enjoyed!

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