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Marinette stared at herself in the mirror, wondering what had been going through her head when she agreed to let Chat make it up to her. Every muscle in her body was begging her to cancel, seeing as every romantic experience she'd had, had resulted in heartbreak. So she told her self that this was as friends, well they weren't exactly friends. I mean what do you call someone who broke you trying to make it up to you. Not an ex, seeing as they were never really dating in the first place.

Marinette shut up the voices in her head, trying to make sense of this muddled situation. She studied her reflection carefully. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to dress, as after chat had begged her to let him make it up to her, he left with nothing more than an awkward hug and "I'll pick you up at eight."

She didn't want to assume much, but since he was picking her up so late, she thought it might mean dinner. So she dressed in a simple, black, flowing dress with silver shoes. Her makeup was simple, just a bit of mascara.

Chat poked his head through her open window, knocking on the wall to let her know he was there.

"You ready?" He asked quietly, too afraid to say the wrong thing.

She nodded slowly, her lips slightly parted, as she took a deep breath and headed over to the window.

He held his hand out to her, offering to help her through the window, but she silently rejected it, climbing through the window by herself.

"You can detransform now. It might look weird if I'm 'out and about' with a superhero." She suggested once they reached the pavement.

"Oh okay, uh let me just find somewhere..." Chat trailed off, his eyes landing on the alley where Marinette had caught him detransforming. The place that had started this mess. He knew deep down that it was him that had started it, not the alley, but he wasn't quite ready to admit that yet.

He shook off the thought and awkwardly crouched behind a postbox, releasing his transformation.

Marinette studied his appearance, as he stood back up as Adrien. He was wearing a white button-down shirt, black pants and dress shoes. Seeing his outfit she assumed they were going out to dinner. She inwardly panicked, why she dressed to casually? We're people going to judge her?

Adrien noticed her worried expression and grabbed her hand reassuringly. He waited for her to pull away, but she let him comfort her. Maybe she was warming up to him after all.


Marinette sat down quietly, bitting her lip. She played with the hem of her dress, taking it in between her fingers, while she waited for Adrien to come back from the bathroom. The dinner had been awkward. They ate and conversed slightly but Adrien had really not done much to earn her trust back.

Adrien weaved his way through the tables, making his way back to Marinette.

"Ugh, should we go?" Marinette suggested awkwardly.

Adrien only nodded, rushing up to pull out her chair for her. She thanked him, getting out her wallet to pay for her meal.

"Marinette I invited you out, I'll pay."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind."

"It's alright." He chuckled, handing his card to the woman at the register.

After he had paid, they left the restaurant. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Look Chat-Adrien," she corrected her self, breaking the tension. "This was lovely. But it didn't show me that I could trust you. I'm sorry, but I can't do this." She started to back away, making her way back to her house.

He bit back a tear. He really couldn't lose her. Not again.


Sorry about the wait! But I hope you liked the chapter!
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