beach day

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Male & Female oc

You wanted to go to the beach.

Tom did not want to go the beach.

Yous were at the beach.

"C'mon, Babe!" You slightly yelled as Tom glared at you. He was not a happy camper and you did not like it.

"Don't babe me." He grumbled as he sat under the umbrella.

"Babe! It's only the day!" You said as you went over to him.

"Still!" You crouched down in front of him as he watched you.

"Tommy. Be happy. I don't like when you're upset." You said while shaking your head. You hated Tom upset, it made you upset.

"I don't wanna be here, Y/N." He stated.

"I know, but I thought we could have fun here! I wanted to spend time with you here!" You admitted. You had it all planned out, yous were going to have a great time at the beach for the day. That's all you had planned out.

Tom opened his arms so you sat on his lap.

"What did you have in mind?" He questioned.

"I don't know. We can leave." You said while not looking at him.

"We're staying. What did you want to do first?" Tom asked while grabbed your jaw so you would look at him.

"Tan, I'm getting pale."

"Go lay down, we can talk then."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." You smiled and went over to your towel that you brought with. You laid down on it on your back and looked at Tom who was watching you.

Yous planned what yous were going to do the rest of the day. It wasn't going to be so bad after all.

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