christmas {little}

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You were ecstatic that it was Christmas. You woke up very early, around five am because you were so excited. You tried falling back to sleep, but it didn't work. So you decided to wake up Tom.

"Daddy, wake up! It's Christmas!" You practically yelled as you pushed him as you were sitting on him.

"Daddy, presents!" He squinted his eyes at you.

"Not everything is about presents, Princess." He said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Pwesents, Daddy!" You exclaimed as you started getting upset, which didn't take a lot.

He pulled you into him and hugged you which calmed you down.

"Let's get dressed and eat first, then we can open presents." You agreed. Tom made that all happen in an hour which felt like a lifetime to you. Once you were allowed to open your presents you went wild.

All in all it was a good Christmas.

tom riddle; preferences & imagines² Where stories live. Discover now