he says something you never thought he would

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You and Tom were in your shared bedroom when he looked up from his diary and looked at you.

"I wanna get married, have kids, and grow old with you." He blurted out causing you to look at him in shock. Yous have discussed that yous don't necessarily want to get married and have kids, he has also told you that he doesn't want to 'get old' and you were fine with it.

"Tom-" You started, but he cut you off knowing what you were about to say.

"I do with you! I just want us to be a family."

"A psychotic family, got it." You said as you looked back down at the book you were reading.

"I'm serious!"

"You already said you didn't want to, Tom." You looked back at him to see him looking annoyed.

"Now I want to with you."

You nodded and looked back down at the book once again.

"Let me think about it." You said before he could speak.

Tom nodded and looked back at his diary. He started writing down wedding and baby stuff since it was flooding his brain. He knew you would come around at some point, so it was good that he was already starting.

tom riddle; preferences & imagines² Where stories live. Discover now